There Is No Distance

Lu Gan was smiling and praising him, but Song Yujin could sense his disappointment. 

"I'm really not upset."

Lu Gan patted Song Yujin's head and said, "I know."

Song Yujin thought to himself for a while and rephrased his sentence, "Actually, I'm a little happy now."

Lu Gan was puzzled. 


Song Yujin looked like he did not care at all and was very calm.

Song Yujin nodded seriously.

"I'm happy because you did all of this for me. I don't care about the other party or their apology."

Lu Gan was stunned. Song Yujin had a really mature outlook. 

"You tried to protect me, so of course I'm happy."

Song Yujin tried his best to explain.

Lu Gan could not help but smile. He reached out and hugged Song Yujin. The latter may act cold and collected, but he was actually really warm. 

"As long as you're happy..."

Song Yujin asked, "Are you happy?"

"I am if you are."