Praising Another Man

Song Ci left the bathroom and quickly gave Lu Gan a video call.

Lu Gan was leaning against the bed and reading a book. Suddenly, his phone rang. When he saw it was Song Ci, he immediately answered.

"Are you done for the day?"

Song Ci adjusted her position so her face would be in better view. 

"Yes. What are you doing?"

"I'm reading a book."

"About what?"

Lu Gan looked at the title of the book. 

"A brief history of humanity."

"It sounds very deep and complicated... Hubby, you're such a cultured man!"

Lu Gan laughed. 

"Stop teasing me. I'm not reading it anymore."

Song Ci asked despite knowing the answer, "Why not?"

Lu Gan answered calmly, "Because talking to my wife is more important."

Those words made Song Ci really happy. She smiled sweetly and continued to chat with Lu Gan for a while before saying, "I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"