Training for the Crew

Chu Yi smiled brightly. 

"Don't worry, it's not that hard. If you think they're too heavy, I'll change them to something lighter."

Song Ci lifted the dumbbells with ease. She raised and lowered her arms a few times. There was no sign of exhaustion at all. 

"That's it?"

Chu Yi silently handed his personal dumbbells to Song Ci.

Once again, Song Ci lifted them without any trouble.


Chu Yi was speechless. 

'Is she really a girl? Are girls nowadays so strong? Am I outdated?'

Regardless, Chu Yi encouraged Song Ci.

"Keep on practicing. I'll come up with a suitable schedule for you."

"Alright. Thank you, Brother Chu."

"You're welcome."

Song Ci was determined to train hard. Whenever she was free, she would start lifting the dumbbells.

Lin Ting saw Song Ci working out and was surprised. How could such a thin girl lift those dumbbells so easily?