Grateful Encounter

Song Ci reached out and tickled Song Yujin.

"I'll let you off this time."

Unfortunately, Song Yujin was not ticklish. He remained stoic. When he saw an opening, he tickled Song Ci back. 

Song Ci was satisfied with Song Yujin's reaction. In the beginning, Song Yujin could not be bothered with her. Now, they did almost everything together and could even joke around.

Both Song Yujin and Lu Suo were acting more like children. 

Of course, Song Ci did not mind Song Yujin's cold and calm personality. All that mattered was his happiness. 

"Yujin, it seems like you're quite fond of me."

Song Yujin would never admit it. He had always been awkward and prideful when it came to Song Ci. Although his ears were red, he said, "I'm not."

Song Ci pretended to be sad. 

"I'm so heartbroken."

Song Yujin felt helpless.

"Your sister is upset. What will you do?"

Song Yujin said awkwardly, "Close your eyes."