Movie Theater Ambiguity

Song Yujin helplessly stretched out one hand to hug Lu Suo. He used his other hand to pat Lu Suo's head. 

"Good boy."

"I am!"

Song Yujin told Song Ci and Lu Gan about the movie he wanted to watch during dinner.

Lu Gan knew that it was actually Lu Suo's request. He could not help but sigh.

'Yujin is so sensible. No wonder Little Suo sticks with him.'

The next day, they went to the cinema. 

Lu Suo was the happiest. 

Ever since Lu Gan was injured, Lu Suo had not gone out to play. He did not want to leave him alone. Fortunately, they could spend time together now. 

Song Ci had booked the entire cinema. She pushed Lu Gan inside and chose the couples' seat as it was more spacious. 

Lu Gan looked at his wife meaningfully. 

"The couples' seat..."

Song Ci snorted.

"It's just more comfortable."

Lu Gan nodded. 

"Sure. Sure."
