Heart-Warming Little Suo

Song He looked at Lu Suo and said, "Little Suo, don't be afraid. Your aunt has no ill intentions. She really likes you."


Lu Suo still acted as if he was wronged.

"Of course." 

Song He glared at Song Peihan. 

"What are you waiting for? Apologize to Little Suo!"

Song Peihan almost lost it. She stared at Lu Suo with eyes filled with hatred. 

'Why would I apologize to that brat?'

Song Peihan put down her chopsticks and stood up. 

"I'm going back to my room."

"Stop right there! Apologize to Little Suo now!" 

Song He was furious.

Song Peihan pretended not to hear anything and walked away. 

At that moment, Song He wanted to beat Song Peihan with his belt. However, he could not do it since Lu Gan was present. 

"Lu Gan, don't be angry. I'll teach her a lesson tonight."

Lu Suo called out innocently, "Grandpa?" 


"Does auntie hate my parents?"