The Most Important Thing for a Person Is to Be Alive

Song Ci went to help Lu Suo shower after she was done with Song Yujin. 

Lu Suo grumbled because they did not get to shower together. 

Song Ci had to coax him for a long time. 

"Don't you want to spend some private time with me?"

Upon hearing that, Lu Suo stopped whining. He nodded obediently and replied, "I do."

Then, he moved closer to Song Ci, getting water all over her. 

"You little rascal!" 

Song Ci tapped Lu Suo's forehead.

Lu Suo hugged her and acted coquettishly.

Song Ci's pajamas were completely wet. She went back to her room and changed.

Lu Gan raised his eyebrows. 

"Are you trying to seduce me?"

Song Ci leaned closer to Lu Gan's ear.

"In your dreams! Your son made my clothes wet."

Lu Gan laughed. 

"You should give him a taste of his own medicine."

"He's just a child! How can you say something so cruel?"