A New Opportunity

Song Ci did well in her audition, but she was not well-known. Hence, the director hesitated in casting her. 

Meanwhile, Tian Tian had the exact opposite problem. She was too famous. The director could not help but worry. What if the audience accused him of hiring Tian Tian just for her popularity? It would affect the company's reputation. 

Moreover, there were other actresses who did well and had fewer issues. Song Ci and Tian Tian were not likely to be chosen. 

Song Ci knew this and decided to move on. She asked Yang Haoran to look for other roles.

While Song Ci was reading some scripts, her phone rang. 

"Zhao An? What's wrong? Is 'Rushing For Ten Years' about to be broadcasted?'

"Almost, but that's not the reason why I called you. Little Song, have you gotten a new role yet? If not, can you help me out?"

Song Ci was puzzled.

"Help with what?"