Today’s Little Surprise

"I want to surprise her. I've made it up, and I want to give it to your sister first." Lu Gan blinked at him.

"Alright." Song Yujin nodded. He looked in the direction of Song Ci and Lu Suo. When he saw them approaching, he quickly nudged Lu Gan.

Lu Gan understood immediately. He quickly put away the unfinished puppy and pretended to play with his phone. He raised his head to see that the two of them had returned. He handed them some water, looked at Lu Suo, and said, "Was acting fun?"

Lu Suo nodded in agreement. "It's fun." 

After all, everything was fun to him as long as he was not studying. However, he did not dare to say it out loud, or Song Yujin would definitely despise him again. With this thought, he turned to look at Song Yujin before taking the flower crown off his head and placing it on Song Yujin's head. However, Song Yujin quickly grabbed his hand, refusing to wear the garland. Lu Suo had no choice but to keep it.