Lost Long Ago

Song Ci looked at him. "I'm different from you. I'm known for being gentle and kind. So, as long as you're obedient and don't cause trouble in the future, I'll give you some alimony every month when you're old. Of course, if you want to court death, I won't stop you. You can try and see if you can succeed against Lu Corporation! If you're not convinced, then continue to cause trouble."

Song He was unconvinced and could not accept it. However, he had his own concerns. It was Lu Corporation, just as Song Ci had said! He glared at Song Ci and gritted his teeth as he threatened, "You're a public figure now. Even if you have Lu Corporation as your backer, it's not good for your reputation if you fight a lawsuit against your father. As long as you return my things to me, I'll pretend that nothing happened!"