The Film Festival

Song Ci pinched her face. "We're still recording. If someone wakes up early…"

Lu Gan held Song Ci's hand in his and smiled. "Just tell them to shush. Anyway, the recording's over for now. Aren't we going home tomorrow?"

In the end, Lu Gan did not spend the night there. After making out with Song Ci, he told her to go to bed early and returned to his room.

The recording of the variety show this time was very short, with every episode edited separately. Everyone happily ate breakfast, exchanged contact information, and bid farewell to the couple, Ji Yue and Xie Chuan. Some went home, while others went to work.

Lu Suo sat on the sofa, looking out of the house from time to time. He turned to Song Yujin and said, "Are they coming back today?"

Song Yujin was reading a book, responding in agreement in a low voice.