The palace is in chaos, even though it's only few people that knows that the king has been injured.
They took the king back to his chambers, the medicine man already sent for. The three guards including Chad laid him on his bed, his eyes was firmly slid shot.
Danika has been battling with controlling tears. She doesn't know what this means for her. The king hates her so much and now this has to happen....
Will he survive this?
The thought didn't bear thinking about because, even though the future wasn't looking so bright for her, she doesn't want anything to happen to him at all.
The mistress was angrily giving commands to the guards, while she hovered around the king with Baski and Chad.
Baski looks like she's dangerously close to tears as she covered her hand with a cloth and pulled the arrow from his chest.
She talked about examining the arrow to find out which poison was used and how to get the antidote.