Chapter 125

  The old healer cannot see, but Vetta would've sworn that the woman knows how bad her expression is because she sighed in resignation.

  The healer got up and walked to one of the beat-up shelves in the back. She came out later with a bottle of liquid.

  "Here. That's a portion for fertility. It is strong and only recommended when one of the couple has a problem that makes a child impossible."

  Vetta grumbled incoherently and took the portions from the old woman. She slipped it into her pocket, still not feeling better.

  It's courting week.

  The only rule of courting week is that the king will dedicate all his personal time to his future queen. That means, no having sexual intimacies with the mistresses or the slaves.

  Only the princess will graze the king's bed during this period. Not her. And definitely, not that bitch Danika.

  A happy and sad development, Vetta thought. She won't be in the king's bed, but Danika will not be too.