Princess Kamara just got words from her father's kingdom that she should stay put here in Mombana for sometime because there's a problem in Navia.
Her father detected a spy in his cabinets, and until the spy is found out and flushed out, it isn't safe for her to come back.
It made Kamara angry and sad at the same time. She misses home. Most importantly, she misses seeing Callan.
Once, she gets back home, she will try to find a way to make seeing Callan possible. It's been so many months, it's like an ache in her flesh.
She has been very lucky for the past two weeks, the king hasn't summoned her to perform her duties to him. He hasn't summoned her to warm his bed.
But, she isn't sure how long her luck will last. The thought made her restless and wary.
Henna was walking right behind her, and they were coming back from an evening walk when she collided with someone.