Chapter 215

  Three hours later, the King sat on a chair beside Danika's bed, watching the rise and fall of her chest.

  The medicine people have attended to her. Herbs, pills, drugs, seeds, portions, concoctions, all of them. He'd instructed them to use every single one of them, because he couldn't afford to loose her.

  Everyone had gotten to work. Five of them including Baski had focused and worked on Danika while the words of the seers replayed on his mind over and over again.

  Afterwards, Angie walked to him. "She has a bad fever and she is dehydrated. For a woman of her condition, that is very bad. Not to mention that she has lost too much blood...and still loosing. But we have done everything we can. Let's hope that what we did was enough, Your Highness."

  "It better be enough, Angie. It better be."

  His low voice came out deadly, his face unreadable. But his eyes betrayed so much pain.