Chapter 260. UNCOLLARING; Long Live The Queen!

  The King paused, everywhere in majestic silence. He finished in repeat, "I crown you, the new Queen of Mombana!"

  There were gasps everywhere. No one expected it. No one expects a King to ever give back a land he conquered. The other Kings were more dumbstruck.

  Danika stood in a trance while the King's words replayed themselves in her head over and over again. A free woman...? A Queen...? There's a crown on her head.

  Tears filled her eyes. By the gods...!

  "Are you sure this is what you want to do, King Lucien? Give her back her family's throne?" King Phillip asked curiously.

  King Moreh and King Pasih are not looking happy about this development at all.

  King Lucien overlooked them and stared at King Phillip. "I already gave it." He replied smoothly, turned away from Danika and walked back to his throne. He settled down on it.