Swordsmanship (1)

The next day.

After parting with Stella and her mother. Dvito began to resume his journey in search of swordsmanship books.

Before parting with them, he decided to give a little direction on the route to the mosque.

Dvito is confident that they will safely reach their destination.

After stopping discussing the two of them.

Dvito started running while carrying a tool bag with a new sword at his waist.

He had to hurry, just wait a few days before the quest would start.



Tracing the mountains, dvito paved the way by slashing some wild plants and trees that blocked his way.

No matter what it was, he had to be quick. Repeating things like this many times, resulted in a drain on stamina.

But dvito seemed unconcerned, as if this was an exercise.

The reason dvito does this is that he believes those who push their own bodies to the limit will have a good impact and get stronger.

Plus dvito is already at stage-2. Because yesterday he received a holographic message that said [Your level has increased]. It proves that dvito is already at level 2 in other words he is at stage-2.

Dvito could feel the changes in his body which was already at stage-2.

Starting from the footsteps that felt heavy to suddenly become light when running.

A thought inexplicably popped into his head. It was about the strong people in this world.

It is because-

Human potential is limitless, unlike other races. In terms of talent and human potential is the pinnacle. If it weren't for the factor of the short human lifespan, it was certain that this race would dominate the entire world.

Greed, loyalty, persistence and desire to be strong every human being exists and cannot be broken.

Dvito believes it is inherent in them, dvito is no different from them. He also wanted to be strong, he wanted to change the fate of his death and survive in this mad World. That's why he would do anything for it.


Several hours passed.

even so, dvito didn't stop running. It was said to be in a state of collapse at any moment. He gritted his teeth and bit his tongue to contain his exhaustion.

'Damn, I have to endure it. No matter what it is, I have to push this body'

Within minutes he finally stopped running and was gasping for air.

Lifting his head to look ahead. The view stretches dvito's vision. There shows two trees with crossed trunks resembling an entrance. Between them lies 2 ravines that can be seen that the steepness is very deep.

Dvito went the fast route, but he chose one that wasn't monster prone so it was pretty safe. The drawback of the route that dvito takes is that the road structure is completely over the ravine. People who are not used to this kind of height, will instantly faint.

Dvito knew that, if it wasn't for his divine power then he wouldn't have the guts to cross this obstacle.

Knock Knock

The sound of soft footsteps echoed throughout the abyss.

"I wonder if this mountain explorer previously knew of this route. If not, then he must be out of luck"

Dvito muttered to ease the tense situation he was in right now.

TIC... TIK... TIK...

Drops of sweat fell from his face down Dvito's chin, but his determination was still there.

It didn't take long, he finally arrived at a fairly safe mountain plain.

Found a boulder after looking around. Finally he could rest.

"Phew… dammit, this is my first out of a dozen climbing experiences I've done"

With the addition of dry laughter on dvito's face.

Then he averted his eyes looking around while drinking water to quench his thirst.

"I'm grateful that the structure of this place hasn't changed like the memories I know of. I don't know why he made ruins to store his swordsmanship knowledge. As the creator of that item would only know its location, not the reason. An existence like that that disappeared for thousands of years, I'm guessing. that demonic bastard manipulated the history of mankind"

It's clear that it's not just a theory. Dvito can conclude with his knowledge of the history of this world during the war 6,666 years ago.

Don't know which archdemon is leading the devil world right now, but he's definitely an enemy to watch out for. Although the demon race is not involved in the war that will occur in the future.

Things that do not want dvito hopefully do not happen.

"Okay, that's enough rest."

Lifting his body to stand up, dvito put his bag near the rock and covered it with leaves so that the surrounding mountain dwellers would not be seen.

Next he slowly walked over with the katana sword at his waist.

Passing through the bushes while maintaining vigilance around.

Not long after, the mountain wind hit dvito. Dvito narrowed his eyes to focus his field of vision with his hands raised to head height.

"So fabulous"

At dvito's comment, he already realized that he was already in the mountains while looking at the scenery down there.

Shortly after enjoying the beauty in front of his eyes he turned to continue his journey.

"From this distance, next 17 Steps turn left"

Dvito was just talking to himself, while searching for his memories in the [memory palace].

"As I recall, from the current location it is only necessary to walk straight and…"

Dvito arrived at a strange place in front of him there was a big tree with a mossy sword stuck in the trunk of the big tree. He also saw a human corpse that only had skull bones left and on its head there was a golden crown that was already in a state of disrepair.

"Meet!" dvito exclaimed.

Dvito was sure this was the place he was looking for. Unknowingly a thin grin formed on his face.

Without a second thought, Dvito arrived in front of the skeleton corpse. Crouched parallel to the thing in front of him, then hatched a little blood on the skull's head, then said something in the form of a spell.

"I want this world, O spirit order practitioner warrior

The magic of lontar areca lontar

located at the end of the earth

Blind demon blind gnome

Who am I not beeping

Get to know me, your new candidate."

Something rumbling came from the skull and emitted a golden aura. Suddenly a huge tree split in two, while the skull corpse turned to dust.

With a calm expression Dvito watched the events unfolding in front of him.

'It reminds me of the past'

The only thing dvito did was a registration to let these ruins know that he was a new candidate.

It's like the term 'Not allowed to enter, before registering'.

This information only two people know, including dvito. Another one is a pro gamer who accidentally stumbled upon these ruins. Dvito knew when he had free time at his company office, he was checking the game forum and he found posts of people who got hidden items.

Dvito thought it was luck, as he had occupied the item to a location where the rest of the servers didn't know about it. He did not think that it would be discovered by others.

The password for the entrance came from the heroic poetry of a spirit order practitioner knight who was sheltered by humanity's greatest hero, This is where all his swordsmanship knowledge is stored. In order to prevent the devil from getting it.

"It's normal if it's mossy, because this place was abandoned for thousands of years"

Fumbling around the walls of the ruins, dvito went back down the pitch-dark alley.

"There are no traps, this is simply a place to test the resolve of the warriors for their heirs"

After the sound left Dvito's mouth, he heard a strange sound that entered his ears.

{Hey, what are you? Xixixi}


{Help me a pilgrim!!!}

{Where are my eyeballs!?!!!}


{Friends, do you want power?wealth?fame?}

{Handsome, can't you play with this beautiful big brother~}

{Ha ha….}



There were only screams, screams and teasing along the hall. But dvito remained calm as if he already knew this would happen.

'This voice is the test, the screams I hear come from evil spirits or those who are still tied to the past. I have to endure'

No matter how long it took, the voices grew more numerous and varied. Dvito could only grit his teeth to stay focused while covering his ears with his hands.

No matter he walked, all he saw was darkness. Hearing the screams of the spirits, made Dvito's ears bleed.

'Shit shit shit shit shit sail!!!!'

Making it unbearable, dvito without a second thought immediately kicked the ground and dashed off.


"Huu... huu.. huu.."

He ran whether it was 2 hours? 3h 4h?, Nobody knows. All dvito thought about was running, until his eyes bulged with tears of blood.

Dvito's legs were already starting to shake because he was moving too much. He began to wonder how long he would have to run. It feels like a week has passed.

Dvito's dry lips and pale face made him almost die. She started crying, crying and crying.

But dvito did not give up, dvito knew that this was the only way to train mentally. Compared to the pain and suffering he went through in the past, this was much lighter.

He had nothing to fear, for he was an apostle and a god was always with him.


A scream came out of Dvito's mouth. Without looking down, he tripped over a rock and fell.

He forced himself to drag his body using his hands to crawl.

About 2 hours he just did that.


Suddenly a blinding light reflected in front of dvito.

Inevitably dvito had to lift his head to see what was happening.

Something beautiful and harmonious filled dvito's field of vision.



When he managed to change his fate.