Chapter 32

Seeing the gun in his driver's hand, Igram quickly grabbed Erica into his arms for a tight hug and whispered, "If you want to live, don't!"

A very pissed Erica tried to push him off, but he was stronger than her. She tried getting her hand out of her bag. Again, his hand was barricading him. 

"Sir move! It's time we dealt with this bitch!" his driver ordered.

"Henry put the gun down. Miss Erica and I just had a little misunderstanding," Igram wondered, surprising the two.

Erica looked up at him a little bit confused. The two were very close, practically breathing each other's air. She was seconds away from kicking his crotch, but his pleading eyes startled her. She could hear them pleading not to get the gun out.

"Sir, I followed her here. No one will know she is here," Henry insisted, his gun still pointed at her.

"Henry, I said stand down!"