Chapter 36

Igram swallowed hard, trying by all means to keep a straight face. Deep inside, he had no idea what kind of recruitment the angry old man was talking about.

"Answer the dumb question"

He finally replied, "No I did not," and moved away.

"Liar!" The old man spat out.

Igram was now running out of patients.

"How dare you accuse me of something that I have not done!"

"Then why is she behaving in such a manner and why did you not take the opportunity to get her fired?"

Igram paused for a second, "How is she behaving?" 

"Is that important?" The annoyed mayor asked.

"Yes, because I humiliated her and am interested in the effects of my humiliation," he replied.

The mayor glanced at him, "So you did not...Not recruit her?"

Igram looked away, asking what type of recruitment he was talking about was going to be suspicious no matter how tempting it was.