Undefeated Strongest [2]

A deep fear brought into fruition due to the share passive bloodlust unconsciously being released by Kanzen's. These terrifying bloodlust seeping out from his body stem from the countless beings he had killed and slaughter for the past 1,499 years since he had arrived in this godforsaken land. Then among those countless fallen creatures that been torn apart by Kanzen's hand were the millions of mighty dragons that one's stood at the pinnacles of all races. Back then before Kanzen rise in power this supposed seat belong to the mighty dragon race.

So, the dragoness leader's reaction is quite normal to say.

"You looked delicious you're quite the delicacy, why not stay put there and be my meal as I am quite hungry." Kanzen said. His words resulting for everyone's and mostly the dragoness hairs to stood to no end in fear.

Her face turned solemn and was quite pale, she ignored Kanzen's words as she ordered "Enough of the nonsense talk, kill him" The dragoness shouted and in response to her voice every creature whether it is a demon, angel, dragon, behemoth, abomination, titan, monster, beast, etc. charged at Kanzen wanting to tear him apart into pieces.

This alliance of powerful races in truth they were supposed to be enemies. However, for some reason they have form a strict contract where they've put aside their differences and arguments just to build a massive alliance. This huge alliance numbering to hundreds of million of powerhouses just in order to bring him down.

Hundreds of thousands of demons shoot forth terrifyingly powerful destructive spells as strong as nuclear bombs back on Earth enough to flatten huge cities. There were the holy light angels that begun summoning of binding control type light chains to hold Kanzen down. Dragons of differing types from offensive to support types shoot forth destructive and status alteration dragon breathes, the strongest basic attacks dragons possessed strong enough to annihilate an entire city into nothingness. Behemoths look at the sky, as they began summoning thousands of massive meteorites. Titan, humanoid creature that as big as the tallest skyscrapers back on Earth started wielding their monstrous hammers, axes, rods, and spears throwing their weapons towards Kanzen. Monsters shoot forth multitude of different magical, elemental, spiritual, mental and soul attacks. Humongous beast as large as the behemoths and below tall to that of the titans run straight towards Kanzen bearing their terrifyingly looking fangs and claws.

The scene is far too chaotic, if Kanzen is to compare to the bodies of his humongous enemies and their terrifying assaults he is nothing but an ant. Unfortunately, for this scenario, size doesn't matter. The other scenario is something both mature males and females knew… smirk… wide grin…

The attacks were terrifyingly powerful and fast, yet Kanzen's nonchalantly indifferent behavior didn't change in the slightest. He raised his right hand to the level of his shoulder and did some strange gestures. The enemies attacks close in, the speed of each single attack broke through the sound barrier. But for some reason, Kanzen's calm demeanor didn't seem to change in the slightest. After seemingly done with the strange gestures he performed, Kanzen shut his eyes followed by his fingers rubbing to each other.


Out of nowhere, a strange phenomenon occurred, some kind of transparent energy quickly spread throughout from his body in a circular spherical manner. The moment this strange transparent energy touch the enemies attacks, these terrifying attacks enough to destroy a portion of the world dispersed like it didn't exist. On the other hand, the humongous beast rushing, meteorites of the behemoths cast and the pure physical weapons the titans thrown were all thrown back.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Loud explosions due to the impacts echoed.


The loud gust of wind passing sounded to every creature present ears. The previous marvelously intense battlefield became silent. Every single being look up front to the nonchalant man still ignoring them like they were some kind of insignificant characters.

"You lot are done? Is that all you got? I thought you meant it when you said you lot came all the way here just to kill me." Kanzen muttered in a low voice, yet his voice echoed throughout the surroundings because of the eerie silence that descended after his display of might easily erase and ignoring everyone's attacks. "Now that you lot are done attacking, isn't it my time to retaliate"! His voice echoed through the ears and minds of everyone present. Snapping out from their daze state everyone's expression stiffen.

Kanzen open a dimensional space on his right, he pulled out two marvelous-looking double edge swords. Just as the pair of swords were shown the time seemed to have slowed down the elements and laws on the surroundings seemed to kowtow in respect.

Unfortunately, no one has the time to marvel to this fantastic sight as everyone's complexion darkened to the point of turning ugly.

Remembering the hideous name of the marvelous pair of double edge swords everyone present seemed to fall into despair.

"How long has it been since these babies displayed their might?" Kanzen muttered.

Unsheathing the pair of swords the very air itself begun to tremble in fear. Everyone's heart sunk and turned cold in fright, some weak-minded ones turned dumb while the wise one's tried running.

The faction leaders of this gigantic alliance looked at the man wielding the two terrifying swords that has the power to directly interferes with reality.

The leaders looked at the direction of the tiny in solemnity.

"Now, now where are you lot going, you lot just arrive here why not stay for a bit and have a sweet tea with me." Kanzen said in a joyful tone but the same time swing the sword situated on his right arm.

None of the present individuals were able to react or witness that Kanzen had already swung one of the swords.

For the weak enemies who didn't react this might be a blessing but for those strong who got a glimpse of it, it's despair.

Slash! Swoosh…!

Before anyone could react the heaven and earth of this world started trembling, huge cracks appearing in both the sky and ground, the very atmosphere itself was shaken. The temperature in the surroundings continuously converted from cold to hot in milliseconds, then out of nowhere terrifyingly dangerous spatial fractures appearing out of thin air. Unlucky one's that's near the spot where this fractures begun appearing were immediately sweep and got shredded into pieces.