Fated Return [1]

In end when Kanzen beheaded the last leader. The handsome six winged angel. He looked at the dropping body with an indifferent look, the next instant he was showered by the angel's golden blood.

There were no wounds present on his perfectly defined body.


He tried lifting his head to see the surroundings but only thing he saw is the endless corpses and rivers of blood. The entire mountain range he lived in for the past 1,499 years turned into barren land where no traces of rich trees and bountiful rivers left.

Everything turned red, green, purple, gold, black, blue, etc. these were the multicolor blood of multiple creatures that been slaughter by Kanzen's hand their blood spilled painting the very land.

He looked around and could feel the exhaustion of both his body and mind. He slowly dropped slumping to the blood that painted the dirt ground and said. "Is this finally the end?" One might see that he's completely unharmed. Only he knew, the pain his experiencing now due to overexertion of his mental and physical power. Resulting to his life force to be use as a medium in exchange to the superb energy usage that surpasses his limit.

"To think I would break through that heaven reached limitation that blocked my path for a century now and ascend the mystical unknown eleventh tier of Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body."

"Truly fate and luck really is cruel playing tricks with this dying daddy how vicious can you be."? Kanzen sighed muttering in a low voice.

[Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body] (Tier 11)

Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body, is the name Kanzen found fitting for the capabilities and prowess of this self discover power of his. This is the power Kanzen unlock though the 1,499 years of effort, experience and with some luck, it's one of the numerous things he could feel proud.

It isn't some kind of magic or martial cultivation art. It's the power he luckily gained out of unlocking the limitations of both his mind and body, after synchronizing them into one. Pushing his limits time to time day and night trying to get stronger to the point where he nearly destroyed himself multiple times.

Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body, granted him multitude of unbelievable benefits from supernatural abilities, unbelievable physical prowess, mystical traits and reality altering abilities. For each tier he broke through, Kanzen gains tremendous boost in his every stat. One could say that both his body is mind is a terrifyingly powerful weapon not so weak to that of divine grade items.

Furthermore, for every tier advancement he achieves, strange abilities just like the [Reflection Counter] he used to defend and counter-attack the dragons and demons assaults resulting to their inevitable massacre. This strange overpowered ability of his granted to him the moment he achieved tier 3 advancement. This overpowered ability is just one of the many marvelously overpowered benefits and abilities he would gain after advancing in tier levels.

"Is this finally the end?" Kanzen murmur in a weak voice clearly exhausted beyond recovery. His life force slowly begun seeping out from his body.

Earlier, while he displayed complete dominance over everyone else, behaving like the supreme almighty paragon of existence. Kanzen's origin energy, life force, spiritual power, soul power and physical internal system is slowly breaking down. He expected that the moment he stopped fighting, is the moment where he stopped breathing.

He looked at the boundless beauty of the night sky, countless glittering stars shine at night displaying their unreachable and unmatched majesty to those that could only stare but couldn't reach.

Furthermore, he began recalling the precious and sad moments he had with his beloved family, the joyful memories and the painful one's. Out of nowhere, subconsciously a teardrop appeared on the side of his eye. "So, this is the famous saying in anime and stories where if one we're to reached their last breath, memories of those they loved would surface." Kanzen sigh leaving behind a wide smile from ear to ear before departing the land of the living.

[You have died]

[Analyzing accumulated achievements and contribution points]

[Crimson Lexus Planet] (Tier 6 World) [Taboo Sinner World]


[Individual – Ken Kanzen – Trade skills level True Saint Forge Master] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen (Human 100%) – Survival time count span 1,500 years] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen – Purge sinners count 16,980,100,900] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen – Power world scale analysis Undefeated Strongest] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 10,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]

[Individual – Ken Kanzen – New found power unlocked – Harmonious Perfect Unity Origin Supreme God Control Of Sync Mind Body (Tier 11) Pseudo Boundless Infinite Grade] (Impossible Grade)

[System Announcement – You have gain 1,000,000,000 Origin Limitless Order, contribution points]


In a small house belonging to a successful 20-year-old first year collage not so far yet not too close from his school a mid-level university in the Philippines.

A young man sleeping comfortably grumpily woke up.

"This sun is killing me…" Kanzen complained as the bright shine of the sun hit onto his face disrupting his peaceful sleep.

Fully waking up after regaining a bit of his consciousness Kanzen immediately froze at the spot. The term surprised might be an understatement to what he is feeling.

"Wasn't I dead due to over energy exertion how can I still be alive?" Kanzen muttered in disbelief.

He opened his eyes wide setting out to discern whether his eyes were playing tricks on him, but just as he looked around from what he saw he was in a room which is far too familiar for him. No matter how many years had passed he couldn't have forgotten the place he built before he disappeared.

"This isn't a dream right? I'm not mad aren't I, this isn't an illusion right? I am not seeing things?" Kanzen's personality changed back to back out of control due to excitement.

He looked around to see if it was the same room. The room didn't change in the slightest, it's like a perfect replica of his unfamiliar yet familiar room 1,500 years ago before that strong earthquake that destroyed everything.