Apocalypse Descends [2]

"Hello… Ho… You shouldn't curse like that… Cursing is a bad thing, you know…!" A soft, mischievous, enchanted voice sounded behind Kanzen, distracting him.

He ignored the strange feeling he is currently experiencing slightly gazing to the back, confirming that's there were someone behind. He immediately jumped out from his position straight to the side of the bed.

Kanzen's previous approachable attitude turned a 360-degree turn. His cheerful demeanor amidst the pain and strange feeling he had gone through was gone, replace by an indifferent expression. His pair of bright lustrous crystal like blue eyes turned colder than ice, a simple gaze from this beautiful eyes seemed to froze one's very soul.

This sudden change in demeanor and expression surprised the uninvited little one.

A beautiful woman or maybe little girl possessing a beauty capable of provoking wars between nations. Her skin was pale white similar to Kanzen with no imperfections similar to that of fresh snow.

Kanzen never one's seen such unparalleled beauty in his entire life, in Earth or back at that godforsaken world where most creatures even beast and monsters when transforming into human forms were all beauties. Before him, not only did she possessed a charming, alluring and enchanting demeanor but also had an innocent expression that did seem to match with her body structure perfectly.

The tiny girl that just appeared is undoubtedly a fairy.

"Eh… is there something on me? What's with the strange look?" Her enchanted, charming voice resounded, her voice that seemed to contain power to purify anything in existence.

"What are you… no… that's not it… who are you?" he questioned back, ignoring the little beauty's words.

Kanzen is on guard, for her to easily bypassed his natural detection domain called [Ring Flora Octagram Domain] something that even the strongest creatures back on the godforsaken land couldn't bypass. Surely, the little enchanted fairy is far from being simple.

[Ring Flora Octagram Domain] is a powerful detection domain technique he developed back on the godforsaken land that luckily evolved into something similar to a passive trait.

[Ring Flora Octagram Domain] grants Kanzen the highest authority over a kilometer ring space. [Ring Flora Octagram Domain] is an auto passive trait that's always in run. This trait boosts Kanzen's superior physical, spiritual and soul sense's by double. Increases his perception speed and power, analysis speed and power, prediction speed and power, spatial reading power, and elemental control affinity.

So for the tiny fairy in front of him to easily bypassed the [Ring Flora Octagram Domain] appearing out of nowhere, only noticed because she allowed him to notice her.

She looked at Kanzen straight to the eyes, her lustrous emerald green eyes meet Kanzen's indifferent emotionlessly crystalline blue cold eyes. For a near instant moment she felt like she had fallen into a deep abyss where a terrifying abomination coiled around her body attempting to entangle and devour her whole.

She had fallen into an illusion, and a terribly strong one at that. Just as she was about to be devoured a bright radiance of golden light flare up glistening around her entire body instantly incinerating the abomination. She snap out from the illusion, panting heavily, her eyes one's again meet Kanzen's indifferent emotionlessly crystalline blue cold eyes.

This time unlike the previous playful attitude she has her expression stiffen in fear, she looked back at the beautifully handsome young man like she'd seen a terribly scary monster. Yet, a second later, this fear she had on her completely quickly vanished like it didn't exist in the first place. She looks straight back at the beautifully handsome young man, this time a hint of great interest shown from those lustrous emerald green eyes of hers.

"You're one terrible person, aren't you! You sent me in that terrible nightmare out of nowhere… we just meet, yet this is how you greet me…. Hmmn …!" The tiny fairy complained, she descended to the table beside the bed. She cross her arms the same time stumping on the table with her tiny foot, her cheeks puffing red, behaving like she's angry.

"What illusion?" Kanzen asked back a I don't know what's your talking about expression displayed on his face.

This time the tiny fairy was stupefied, she looked at the human in front of her like the person had stolen her last candy. She knew perfectly Kanzen is lying, yet she couldn't retort back. Fairies like her possessed the ability to discern truth and lie. Questioning back the very thing he committed, a form of denial, behaving like an innocent person the same time maintaining the same stern indifferent poker face.

She never one's in her entire life encounter a man like Kanzen, this is the first time. Most people should have kowtow or praise her the moment they see her. But the young man in front of did not just do these things, he even attack her. Moreover, the said attack didn't seem to be simple, she herself almost fallen back there if wasn't for the fact that she's being protected by the Origin Limitless Order.

In her thoughts, it was this time that the tiny fairy recalled something important. It is now that she realized she had messed up. "Hey, Ken Kanzen…" Just as she called out, something loud interrupted her.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Crash…! Shattered window glass…

From the outside explosions continuously sounded loud echoing throughout the neighborhood. The same time, a spreading wind force caused by the explosions assaulted the nearby buildings, destroying and shattering these building's windows.

This sudden disturbance attracted Kanzen's attention. He ignored the tiny fairy for the time being after sensing that she didn't exude any ill intention towards him.

On the side, atop the table, the little miss beauty gazed at the young man's back, unknown emotions surfacing in her mind and heart.

"He'll is going on…" He murmured in a low voice. Looking at the scene outside the window, Kanzen's expression stiffen. Outside, the world he knew isn't the same, everything changed and what he saw surely isn't the same thing he had seen just a minute ago.