Shock Over The Unexpected Revelation

"Hey, just what are you exactly?"

Aisha's cheerful attitude just now calmed down, her transcendent voice echoing letting out a surprise yet serious tone.

Kanzen, noticing this quick change in her, raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Th-that's, ugh… I have information about that newly gained skill of yours, unfortunately, this information is something that surpassed the current things you should know. So, I don't think it's a good idea to share this info to the current you."

She shook her head, her gaze was firm and serious as she looked back at the mysterious, incredible and unexplainable man wanting to know his response.

But to her dismay the man in question seemed to have ignored her words.

His expression didn't change in the slightest, still having the same indifferent and nonchalant look on his overly handsome face.

"Your worried that I might get dejected or something like that, aren't you?"

"Yo-you, how…?"

Kanzen approached her and stuff his pointy finger to her seductive lips, stopping her.

"I am grateful for your concern about my well-being, I might not know what's your real aim is for helping me out, but… I was certain that you aren't here to bring harm to me, and what's more important to me isn't some kind of psychological support from you. What I need the most is the valuable information available that you could share to me, that's all I need. You don't need to bother thinking about my reaction and response whatsoever. You should only focus on sharing crucial information I require, no matter how insignificant such information is."

Kanzen said in an authoritative firm voice, his expression is serious, something Aisha has yet to encounter since the few minutes they've spent together.

Shaking her head, she let out a heavy sigh, she's worried that the man who she's supposed to guide would be disheartened if she shared the info she had in her.

But to her expectations, the man seemed to easily read her thoughts and actions like the back of his hand.

This realization made her think highly of the man, increasing her evaluation and lamenting to her actions of underestimating the fella.

"So, what's with this new skill of mine?"

"About that, it seemed that I should first inform you to what skills were really are."

She said waiting for Kanzen's response, the person in question, on the other hand, deemed to agree to how she moves forward, so she continues.

"Skills are the embodiment of one's power and existence, at first thought gaining skills seemed to be randomized bullshit, however, in truth that isn't really the case. Skill is something akin to your own child, this explanation might sound ridiculous to you, but it's the truth. Skill were born through fruition from your personal traits, bloodline, experience, technique, wisdom, and other more factors that none really knew."

"The fact that you gained a skill that was recognized in the description as a forbidden power, bring me to think that your very existence is far out of the norm. In an easier to understand point of voice is that your very existence is more likely an irregularity…"

"So, you were saying I am in irregular."

"That's very much what I am pointing at, furthermore, the fact that the Prime Limitless Order sent me a supreme existence to guide you, clearly showing high favorability towards you only prove that assumption more and more."

Listening to her words, Kanzen finally shown a bit of reaction, but to what she'd have been expecting, his reaction seemed nothing like she anticipated.

"Ok, ok, it looks like I am really an irregularity. I won't try to deny that, the fact that I passed that freaking trial the Prime Limitless Order send me into with flying colors seemed to be an irregularity itself…"

"Wait, wait… what did you just say?"

She held both of her hands in front of Kanzen, stopping him.


Kanzen was a bit taken aback to this rushed actions of her and questioned.

"What's gotten into you?"

"Yo-you just said that, you passed the trial the Prime Limitless Order gave…"

"Then, what's of it?"

Kanzen asked with an incredulous look.

"What's of it?. You say, you freaking monster… what's of it, the heck… you should know only one out of ten million people for every world is sent to a trial. This number didn't change for the past countless years, but if you factor the also countless worlds out there that got affected by the Prime Limitless Order, one out of ten million is a number uncountable. Moreover, every trial taker would partake to the same trial, of where they were sent to an unknown world and survive for as long as they can, an unachievable trial. For your information, the trial worlds was a freaking Tier 6 world, how can Tier 1 beings that hasn't experienced mana or essence survive in such chaotic world. The fact that you claimed that you passed the trial meant you've successfully passed the final riddle. You didn't just survive in that world, you've also eradicated every single strongest being in that world. Surviving for a day is already near impossible. The fact that you've confidently claimed that you have passed that trial meant that, you're the very first existence in all of this universe, or maybe even reaching the vast cosmos to have passed the trial of Prime Limitless Order.

"No wonder you're so freaking strong, you might be older than me, and maybe more experienced. Furthermore, for a human to have achieved racial ascension and transformed directly into a new True Supreme Existence is explainable. Such, rewards is befitting someone of your caliber."

Aisha finished her long speech with excitement and vigor. She looked at Kanzen like a starving hyena who didn't eat anything for a long time, only to luckily stumble upon fresh meat.

Her revelation stunned him for a second before recovering fast enough that one might think he didn't even listen to her words.

He bit his lips in a somewhat provocative, seductive manner, looking at Aisha with a grin.

"So, you've finally recognized the greatness of this fella. Good, good my little Aisha, that's the must, and proper reaction one should make in front of this papa."

Kanzen's said, his narcissistic nature bloom like that of a flower spreading it's pollens to spread and for all to received.