First Phase Scenario [2]

"My survival rate is 50% huh…! That was low… is the first phase scenario that dangerous?"

Kanzen asked, Aisha didn't reply in words as she just nodded in affirmation.

"If my survival rate is already at that point… then just how low other people's survival percentage?"

"Everything depends on one's luck, and nothing can be done about that…"

She replied in a firm tone.

"… Luck…!"

Kanzen repeated the word in a bitter face.

For him, someone who does things in a perfect logical manner and strongly believe that every aspect has a logical standpoint, no matter how unbelievable it was.

Believing and relying on luck is something he didn't really like, but not to the point that he disagrees with her words.

He himself experience difficulties and if he were to try to measure or count it, the word countless would be the best term to describe it.

From the moment he arrives in the godforsaken land and to his very last moment of his life in that place.

Kanzen knew things didn't all turned out to be out of logical, a large portion of his life seemed to be moved around and been achieved due to luck itself.

"So, how long do I have remaining before this so-called first Phase Scenario finally happens."

"… Thirty seconds…"

She replied, her expression a bit complicated.

Kanzen didn't bother too much about on continuing the topic; quickening his pace far faster than before.

He stuffed things after things in a extremely quick phase that if a normal human were to look, they could not see his hands that were moving far too fast to for one to be able to react.

From his room, to the kitchen, the bathroom and lastly at the garage Kanzen pick up things he needed to fast that dumbfounded Aisha herself.

He moved like a wind passing by here and there appearing a second before disappearing arriving in another location.

"For a level one existence, even for a True Supreme Existence, this speed is simply unbelievable."

She muttered in a low voice voicing out her thoughts.

But those words of hers didn't escape Kanzen's superior inhuman hearing capabilities, a wide prideful smirk manifested on his face giving her the chills.

Currently Kanzen decided to suppress his narcissistic nature as he is in a tight spot rushing and have no time to let such majestic nature of his waste the remaining time in hand.

Then just as he arrived in front of the television, and was about to stuff the picture frame, a disastrously strong tremor occurred.

"It has finally begun."

Aisha's excited yet anxious voice sounded.

Quickly stuffing the picture frame in the large bag putting it in a position where it wouldn't easily break, Kanzen immediately jump out of the house.

He jumped out in a hurry destroying the window nearest to him, using it as an exit.

Suddenly, an ominous large shadow numbering in dozens appeared overheard him, and as his gaze looked upwards, he saw a terrifying sight.

Meteors red fiery solid balls of destructive figures descending, falling from the sky in a terrifyingly fast speed.

Kanzen's gazed at this marvelous yet terrifying sight, his eyes following the direction of the dozen or so destructive meteorites, trying to discern its impact coordinates.

Realizing where these fiery fellas were heading onto, a thankful look appeared on his face, the slight fear he felt of having his life put in danger by an unnatural calamity vanished completely.

"The meteorites are heading for the mountains."

A second later when the meteorites crashed onto the mountains in the far distance all around from Kanzen's position while a bit far; people started crying and running out of their confines.

These was due to the separated miniature debris descending without apparent destination, while small compare to the large meteor, these were enough to destroy everything in sight.

On some of the buildings that been locked secure not letting even a bug enter the house previously, a middle age man covered in tattered clothes run out of having clear signs of scratches and burn marks came out running.

This was because on the moment of impact occurred, the entire world seemed to shook violently.

Followed by the miniature size one's that crashed onto the establishments spreading fire everywhere.

Some people who feared the corrupted mana zombies were force to run out afraid of being flattened into meat paste by the falling debris, or be burned alive.

The devastation was terrible, in fact, that the surrounding buildings even do far from that impact site begun crumbling, collapsing unable to withstand the share force that spread throughout the land.

Furthermore, the fire that been lit up by the miniature size meteorites started spreading like that of a mucus turning everything ablaze.

Some people hiding under tables or some other things that can be used to shield one's body from an earthquake and similar structures fearing the resulting earthquake.

For these foolish ones who blindly believe that the structure they're in could withstand the earthquake after the fall.

Not bothering to run out from their confines due to how scare they were to the corrupted zombies outside.

Disaster befall upon them.

A large portion of them were flattened to death, while there's also a large number that died miserably being burned alive.

The reaper of death then appeared before they knew, ending their suffering accompanying them; guiding them for the afterlife that awaits them to be judged and be reincarnated to be anew.

Kanzen observing these scenes accompanied by Aisha on his side elegantly levitating let out a sigh of relief.

"Thankfully that big one didn't drop off near me… I am sure, even for this big daddy, surviving from that one is near impossible."

Aisha's narrowed her emerald green eyes raising her brows after hearing Kanzen's remarks that held an obvious hint of narcissism in them.

She didn't bother commenting on his words, only observing him from the side with a complicated look written on her unparalleled beautiful face.