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"To impress a woman? What woman?" Mariano asked, confused.

Iris's expression darkened and her eyes seemed to glaze over and the air around her shifted into something heavy that Mariano was scared to move as he watched Iris stood rooted on the floor, glaring at him as though she didn't recognize him.

"I'm just asking…err.. I didn't know any woman," he said, conscious of the fact that his voice was shaken with the stern look that Iris was giving him as though she was older than him. He felt like he was being scolded by someone in authority over him.

Iris folded her arms over her chest and continued glaring at Mariano who had no idea why she was being mad.

Even she had no idea why she was angry with the idea that Calixto had this mansion for a woman. She wasn't anything to Calixto other than a meal provider, hence, she had no right to think or feel whatever she was feeling right at the moment.