Blood Covenant

"Manslaughter?" Iris whispered under her breath.

Elvira squeezed her hand as if she understood what was happening, despite not knowing anything.

Theo and Elmer were busy trying to revive Monette who remained unconscious even after her father had massage and put iced on her swollen forehead.

The two men were murmuring in the dim room on what to do to Monette.

Iris watched them with detachment. Her brain was still ruled by the dream that she had. Because she was woken up before the vampire in her dream had finished the young couple in her dream, she did not know who the vampire was.

She was no longer a part of her dream when the vampire changed his appearance. All she saw was his grotesque form.

"Are you okay?"

"Hmmm," Iris mumbled, pulling her hand away from Elvira's grip.

It wasn't Elvira's fault that she did not finish the dream but she was regretting the fact that she did not know who the vampire was.