Keeping Safe

"Talon, do you pledge your loyalty to me?" 

"Yes. Because you won't like to get a no as an answer," he said with a straight face, feeling no shame in telling exactly what was on his mind. 

Louis looked at his son with a blank expression and then threw his head in laughter. 

"And you know why I've chosen you?" 

"Because you know that I'm the only one in this room who hasn't decided to be against you and it's not because I'm not against you, it's more like I don't really care about your fight against us—your children." 

Louis scoffed. He did not like what he had heard but Talon was right. He could read the atmosphere in the room. Karl and Aznur teamed up against him. Marcotte his only daughter that took the immortal life was not present in the room. He had no idea where she was but he was not sure if she was with him or against him.