Favorite Food

"Should we just let him in? He looks like a lost puppy in the rain."

"Shut up, Linda!"

"You shut your trap, Arland!"

Iris creased her forehead as she listened to the bickering across from her. A headache was slowly creeping on her temple, pounding.

She was trying her best to ignore Talon who was standing outside the window, watching them. For the first time, she agreed to what the nurse was saying. Talon really looked like a lost puppy, and she had a soft spot about lost puppies and anything cute and well, lost.

"Stop looking at him," Calixto whispered in her ear.

In which she replied, "what about you stop them from growling at each other and you guys started talking to whatever business you are going to discuss because I want to go back to my room."

"You like holing yourself in your room and—"