Do you want to know why they call me *the red Abomination*

now Rimuru and Ghost are running and taking



A giant red hand is quickly approaching them but a man and his grey eyes attack the hand And another person appeared in a blue uniform with an S mark in the middle and he was flying And then a person with pink hair and a crown, dressed in king's clothes and black armor, and wearing a hog mask

the grey-eyed man: will I need two Show, my grandson, the meaning of respecting his grandparents

the blue uniform man: no evil will survive

the hog mask man: HA

Rimuru: what the hell

Ghost: Sometimes I feel better if I was still dead

[two hours ago]

Ron: Ghost you need to go to MISTRAL and you need two kill Leonardo ok and don't worry About Me ok

Ghost: ok captain

Ron was going to the mountains and Ghost was going to MISTRAL but Ghost didn't know that Ron was going to hunt a big Grimm titan and a lot of Grimms a and lot of Problems

[Ron pov]

/half hour left for you to become that thing

Ron: did I make it where are the titan and all of the Grimm and why is the map red

system: host all the red on the map are Grimm and the titan is under you no not that he is the mountain and he Is sleeping all you need to do is open the negative feelings Bottle and all the Grimm in VALE or the world will come to you so you can become that thing and not be afraid of killing any of your friends

Ron: Is everyone away?

system: yes Rimuru is in ATLAS and night and moon are in ISLAND OF PATCH Ghost is now in MISTRAL and he is going to kill Leonardo

Ron; ok now open the bottle and let the massacre begins

as soon as the bottle opened all the Grimm in Vale and MISTRAL are now running at the mountain Ron is in and four more titans were coming for Ron

Ron: System summon the four people and turn me into that thing

system: on it summoning...turning the host into that thing

Ron looked at the Grimms and smiled his green one-eye turned red his skin bled and he looked and sed

Ron: Do you want to know why they call me *the red Abomination* in my world no So let me show you

in Seconds red hands and legs And other parts such as claws, wings, scales, eyes, and mouths come out of Ron *the red Abomination* is reborn and it Screams the cry that will shake the whole world

*the red Abomination*: sssssssssssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeee/hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooo/ccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhh

the cry was all kinds of The cries of tormented animals and negative energy caught her attention

[in another place]

in a dark place, a white woman was sitting on. a dark throne In a moment, she rose from her place

???: What is this cry all the negative energy is like someone Torturing thousands of creatures at the same time all the Grimm in the world are running toward it who is doing this

[ in Vale beacon Academy]

a man With white hair sitting in his office with a cup of coffee in hand

Suddenly he dropped the cup and started shivering and he heard a cry


???: whats that cry

[in one of ATLAS military complex]

???: hy Rimuru Congratulations on being promoted to a captain

Rimuru: thanks and today we will have some Live combat training so be ready soldier

???: sir yes sir

Suddenly, the base shook and a cry came


Rimuru looked at Where the sound come from and he was Sure It was a familiar sound

Rimuru: Ron


night and moon were playing With Ruby but Suddenly, they felt a strange feeling and a cry


night: master

[ at the border of MISTRAL]

Ghost was running to complete his mission and kill Leonardo but he two heard the cry and was running back as fast as he can

[in another place]

Four different people opened their eyes

???: I can see once again

???: HA

???: I was catching some people

???: will will Where did I end up o a new world wait are you superman and you two are...

???: yes I'm superman

???: I'm zero the first NUMBER

???: my name is Technoblade

???: ok now my time my name is @#$%^&

zero: so your a !@#$%

system: now is not the time you all listen to me I need your help to stop my master Before he destroys this world and all life and Himself