the war of the Beasts [part 4]

[An hour after the last fight]

Rimuru: so you're telling me all I need is a thermal vision and a powerful weapon so I can go to the center and get Ron out and kill the red Abomination will I was going to say yes but looking at it spews Fires Everywhere I can't even get close to it and we only have 20% of the army and no weapon strong enough to even scratch it look this thing is not even Wounded after three hours of battling and now we are hiding underground from it so will I don't even have a body ok will you help us? in a violent way

said Rimuru who was in a cave together with the rest of the army will superman and Technoblade died from a big arm zero lost a leg and Rimuru will... Only his taking head is left

Mr.four: ok I will help you but I still can't use violence all I can do is force evolution on the kid but this will be bad now. look the White immortal bitch is here and she is not happy about the loss of some Grimm but wow this is a big army of Grimm look it has all kinds from flyers to swimmers and titans, wow, she. truly wants it dead ok let's look at the world occupation and wow look at that

[ Remnant world war winner ]

89% [the red Abomination]

11% [ Salem]

Mr.four: all we need to do is wait for the fight to end and do the rest ok

Rimuru: ok this is all we have now so don't miss or all of us died for nothing now let us see the fight and did you see Ghost

Mr.four: yes he is next to you in the barrel or What is left of him he's now in his egg form after he was Crash buy a big arm a red one and turned into an egg

Rimuru: ok so now What we just wait for the fight to be finished and shoot him with that

Mr.four: will look like the White immortal bitch will die and so my time is getting near

[in a white room ]

the first: so Red you sed we will be free soon can we kill the kid now so we can be free

Ron: what the f#$% o I'm not easy to kill

the first: I'm White now die and let me be free

Red: stop white or do you want to remember why I'm the leader and you Ron will you see I'm not just a...sorry some bugs have appeared and I need to get rid of them see you later

Red just disappeared living Ron and the rest Ron looked at White and the rest and said

Ron: so what are you Red didn't tell me Anything important

the man who looks like a knight [image]: will you see we are a part of your soul and we were born from your evolution but red and black were here first the two of them were born from your first *red Abomination* well she is a monster after all and she like you to please don't tell her What I said she will kill me

the demon guy [image]: will Mr. Albe you forgot non of us would live if we tell her but first, we need to silence and stop white or all of us will die

white: w...Wait we can talk I just need to kill him and we will be free

the demon boy [image]: no last time we were 30 now we are 12 cuz of you all you want is for us to die you can be free but we are a soul parts way do you want to be free your always selfish We lost enough now shut up and stop White

White: no I will...

The lady with wings [image]: White stop if you want to kill the kid then die alone all you do is make a mess everywhere you go and get someone killed now you want all of us to die by killing the main soul When red is not here you have to go through us all of us

White: ok if you get in my way of freedom I will kill you to

the mage [image]: let's see then how will die

[back at the battlefield]

the *red Abomination* killed all the Grimm and now was eating Salem

[ Remnant world war winner ]

100% [the red Abomination]

dead [ Salem]

Mr.four: ok now is my time I will be going

Rimuru: don't miss ok or all of us will die

Mr.four: Don't worry I always hit my target now let me if I can make this Thing force evolution