ok let's roll the dice for the new world

Ron: so I can only go to five worlds

system: no you can go to six worlds but do you want to go to dark souls world

Ron: no

system: ok now roll the dice

[note: I rolled the dice in real life]

Ron: and we got six



system: REROLL

Ron: ok one two three... and we got two why...ok tell me the timeline

system: tempest will get attacked by the kingdom of Farmus a day from now so we need to be fast I don't want the little kids to die lets go

Ron: ok but what is my level of Power

system: your level is of demon lord Frey and Rimuru is like Clayman if he uses his dragon form and ghost and night and moon are like benimaru and the rest of the ogres but now like the old man

Ron: ok let's find night and moon and go

system: you don't need to look they are here and together with a girl o she is Ruby and looks like we got company from the army and hunters and we gat an hour before this world fuse with yours and make a big Earthquake but first goodbye Mr.Zero

zero; ok I hope to see you again little guy

system: ok now let me see tp/home/Ron

after this Ron And Rimuru were in the old junkyard Ron lived in for six years and it looked will like we are under siege from all sides by the white fang

Ron: why are we under siege

system: you were gone for a week and the world was upside down from a big red monster and 80% of the Grimm from all the world have now died and you can bring the dead back and you want to be left alone even your mother will come kicking your door and look here is night and moon be rede to go

Rimuru: wait I need to do this first

Rimuru got a remote out and clicked the big red button

[ in ATLAS ]

headquarters Schnee dust company a big blast destroyed the company and everyone int to so no more Mr.Schnee {aka Wiss father} and all his illegal work is on the internet now and after with Rimuru did and the zerg the Faunus were now accepted from all the kingdoms but everyone saw Rimuru gatting beheaded even his team

[ok now back to Ron]

Ron; so from now on the white fang is disbanded and you must be ready for the coming s$%^ ok and sorry but only you can do this now

in front of Ron was High Leader Ghira now king of the Faunus after Ron killed adam and disbanded the white fang will he did make sure no one will hurt the Faunus and the ones why did are not in this world now

and he did tell High Leader Ghira that this world will become bigger

Ron: will now is goodbye old man

High Leader Ghira: take care kid and keep your friend off my daughter

Ron: will don't worry Rimuru will not take your daughter he is after Another little miss From the start but he does love kids

after this Ron left and start waking to tell he Reach the beach

???: so this is the last time you will be looking at this beach

Ron: not my last time and Rimuru will you go get your wife or not

Rimuru: will she is still in school and I want her to fall for me so I'm going to beacon and night and moon will come to ghost will start being a guard for Mr.Ghira now he wants to start a new life so I will see you after some years Ron

Ron: will I will slow down the world speed so I can see you again it will be 1/1

system: ok now Ron lets go the portal is open now

Ron: ok I'm coming. Goodbye Rimuru

Rimuru: bye Ron

after this Ron enters the blue portal and it closed after him

in the portal, Ron sees many People going in and out of the portals and a man or monster standing guard in front of every portal a man is sitting in the middle he looks at Ron and said

the man: ah Mr.Ron how can I help you at this time jeff get Mr.Ron some Spaghetti with meatballs

Ron could not move and a half man half snake gives Ron a plate full of Spaghetti with meatballs before Ron can eat a man come out of a red portal he looked scared and after he looked at Spaghetti with meatballs in Ron's hand he gat out a gun and shot the plate and he starts running like a mad man

the man: we are sorry Mr.Ron but looks like this man has gone mad in the Spaghetti World hi STOP HIM

but it was too late the man shot Ron but miss and shot the ground making it shatter and will Ron fall in will a BIG F#$%^&* BLACK HOLE

the man: I'm so not getting five stars for this hi jeff get me some Spaghetti with meatballs dame the boss will be mad

[now back to Ron]

Ron: were the f%^& I'm I

all Ron can see is will dark lands filled with blood and bones

system: F#$%^& we are in a Cultivator world now

Ron: F#$%^&*