why send a Admiral at us

Ron ran tell he .came in front of his enemies and swung his sword at the closest marine in one swang the heads of three marines fell one marine was running to stab Ron from the back a bullet killed him to the head from Ron.s gun the looks of the marines who met Ron were of horror and loss of hope all they can do is hope the beast pirates will go after Ron and the ship and when the beast pirates were close every marine lost there hope to live another day they can,t go to their ships because all the ships have been eaten by...will their enemy ship but before the beast pirates can jump on the Deck of the ship, it moved will...it flew the ship was flying in the sky and you can hear the angry shout from Jack the Drought before he gets hit by a cannonball

Ron: shut up and go be a baby near someone else ship and tell Kaidou his mom is gay if he doesn't believe me let him look in big mom's bedroom he will find his mom there to

not just the marine but even the beast pirates were shocked at what he said is this guy hive a death wise

Ron: ok now this is off let's see marine will you give up or die

the dying marine captain: we give up

a marine: but captain we can stall...

the dying marine captain: look around you from a fleet of great ships to only fifty men in only one hour and this red-haired man killed half of us if not more and he can use the weird Red fire he is a Devil Fruit user if we fight him we will die

Ron: will arent you a smart one now tell me for the love of god why did you attack my ship

the dying marine captain: will we were after some pirates who stole some devil fruit but we only find your ship and some parts of the pirate's ships near you and we saw this weird Race in your ship

he points to some Ents

the dying marine captain: if we can make this race see pirates as enemies after we find their home island we will get a strong ally who can help us win the war against pirates this is why but looks like I have failed

Ron: you are one of the dumbest people I have ever seen in this life why if you saw us destroy a pirate ship...so dum o god help me


Ron runes to the back of the ship and he saw a man riding a Bicycle on the sea?

but after Ron saw the man's face he felt the danger

he is Aokiji, a, f@#$% Vice_Admiral of the marines why is he here

Ron: Orcis fly at the fastest speed you can now or all of us will die do you have a cannon on your back we need one

Orcis: I'm going 60kph I can,t go faster, and yes I have one cannon but I can,t use it now it's not full

Ron: how can we fill it up

Orcis: I need more food to use it

Ron: System

System: sorry I was reading newspapers today in a haven a god was attacked by some guy in a hog mask and now he is one v one the god... ok want do you need

Ron: give me a Fertilizer at [4.000 cp]

System: ok here it is

[the blood of the forest buy for 4.000] you have [1,498 cp] left

Ron: Orcis GET READY

Ron opens the sack of [the blood of the forest ] and dumps all of it on the Deck after Ron dump it Orcis starts going faster and he said

Orcis: the Cannan just shot five times my a## the pain

Orcis start crying from the pain but Ron was warry after he heard the term a## Ron just prayed he will never see Vice_Admiral Aokiji in his life or he will die in the worst way in all of one pice world

[Vice_Admiral Aokiji {pov}]

I was sleeping and having a good dream tell I get a call for help from a petrel at sea it was this

Marine Lieutenant: the fleet has been attacked the captain is Dieing and we lost more than a hundred men and the beast pirates are coming. their leader is Jack the Drought we need help. send reinforcements...the ship looks like. a giant sea king HEL...

ok now Who dares interrupt my nap he must have a death-wise today no he mast die

I get my cape and ride my bike to go faster after some minutes I saw a giant flying sea king no it looked like a ship it is Just What I was looking for you will not escape me but in a minute five big balls came out of the speeding ship it was so fast I forget... O

the five balls hit the water and create a giant wave... why does the water small like this don.t tell me they...

[Vice_Admiral Aokiji {pov end}]

it was now dark all the prisoners were in their cells the Ents were cleaning the decks and Ron was drinking in his Room tell he heard

System: wow so you drank this is new

Ron: life is too depressing to say

System: and a new kind of your feeling this makes it five you were angry and happy and serious and Savage and now depressing can you tell me why you turn yourself into *the red Abomination* when we were in Remnant

Ron: I did What now

Ron really looked like he have forgotten

System: noting will I will go to sleep now bay Ron and goodnight

Ron: goodnight System