the Battle of the Red Sea part1

Ron was looking at the fleet and said to the System

Ron: System can you help me to win this with like a summon or something and be fast we only have ten minutes before they catch us

System: yes there is you have 5.394.569 from all the missions and kills and you have two Roblex summoning cards now do you want to use them

Ron: yes and buy this and this

/you bought [high magic core 30.000] [skill blessing of the ice and fire 1.000.000] [ dark magic for 1.500.000] [ flawless iron phoenix aura fruit for 1.000.000] [seed of the world tree for 1.500.000] [ stand arrow for 5.000] [ ice water for 10] you will have sp 9,559 left

Ron: good now use the two Rolex summoning cards let's see What will I get

System: get sledge queen and Yosef from Decaying Winter now I need to go...WATCH OUT HONEYBOBO HAS A GUN .bang.bang.bang... OFFICER DOWN SEND BACK UP TO HELL ST...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM...[System is offline]

Ron: why does this happen every time I need her help and why is honeybobo in the underworld .and he was holding a gun ask, my self later now LILY tell me is everyone ready for this

LILY: yes everyone his AK74 now and EMBERS is ready to rise a 10km wooden platform on the water with his new magic core OAK called his family and is trying blessing of the ice and fire BALANIS is Making Sure no one is slackening Orcis eat the world tree seed and need two or three days to evolve and THUNDER is mixing dark magic and his thunder CAP is reading his new iron phoenix sword aura and his knights order is ready for war and all of the healers and Medicis are on stand by all we need to do now is to be prepared for war in five minutes now I'm going back to my zone captain

Ron: ok now summon the sledge queen and Yosef and give Yosef the dark fruit and the sledge queen the unknown fruit

after Ron said this he saw a magic Circle and two figures showed up they were surprised to see the blue sky and the sea but after they saw Ron the two of them raise their weapon

[Yosef pov]

"Main room clear!"

"Locker room clear. All hostiles down - wait, one crawling, gimme a second."


"All hostiles down."

"Alright, good, that about wraps it up. You, get some bandages on that wound. And you, stitch that cut up, have a Zagustin. Everyone else, get as much as you can onto the snowmobile sledges - we're getting out of here."

"Damn katana. That thing's sharp."

"Mm. It's no regular blade - it's monomolecular. Needs a lot of maintenance to keep up, though."

"Huh, nice. How'd you know that, anyway?"

"You're the new guy, right? I'm an ex-Agency. Knew those things like the back of my hand."

"Woah - ow, fuck, I hate needles. Hey, why'd you turn?"

"You really wanna know...? Fine.

I was Third Wave. It was after the geothermal went down, and the Decaying Winter settled - we were meant to make a big push to take back this planet, restore order and all that crap. It was poorly planned, but we had good gear - wasn't enough, though.

I was a squad leader - Riskrunner class - for a bunch of rookies. Since I had a lot of field experience, I was in charge, but the bandits got all of them after a while. When the Agency pulled back, they had to make sacrifices, since their resources were running a little thin.

I was one of those sacrifices. No dropship came for me - it would be a waste to send one out for just a single man. They slapped me with a laundry list of trumped-up charges too, to ensure that no Agent would try and help me. I was on my own.

So I struck out, fended for myself. Found a doctor, far out in a Scav town, who could cure the Infection - traded my Vulkan-MG for it. That meant I could stay in the contaminated zones without a respirator.

When the Fourth Wave dropped in, I tried to reach out to one squad of them - but then they started shooting on sight. I'd found an M60 before then - had to take them all out. After that - fuck the Agency, man. They threw me away like trash - they want me to be the bad guy? Alright, I'll play that game.

So, I got my gang together and got them the best gear I could - which brings us to today. Finished stitching yourself up?"

"... wow, man. Oh, uh, yeah, I'm done."

"Good, now stop gawping. The sledges are loaded up - let's RTB, we're going home."

"Roger that."

this is What I remember Before I and queen get killed by the Agency but after some black and white s### were here in front of blue sky and , queen is here is this new earth, no we died I still remember the feeling of bullets and the blood and the dame katana that was stabbed in my heart and I saw queen getting blown up to kingdom come then why are we here and who is he I raise my gun after I saw him, queen, to did raise her sledgehammer this red weird masked girl?

the red weird masked girl: ok you two before I can tell you the long story let me tell you the simple story and it.s you two died in your world and I summon you two here to help me and I give you as well powers... is it me or is she growing ears on her hair

Yosef: what

I look at queen just to see this and all I can say is...cute


/picture of queen and Yosef