the Battle of the Red Sea part 2

EMBERS vs Zephyr part 1

EMBERS was looking at the ents fighting, tell he saw a man with one big metal arm so he used his magic to stop him by crushing him with a tree but the man dodged and looked at him so EMBERS looked back and said

EMBERS: human tell me your name for I will be the one taking you down

Zephyr: my name is Zephyr, you tree man looks like you are Important in this crew killing you will get your captain Angry

EMBERS: then do it human kill me if you can

EMBERS Launched giant swords like plants from the platform at Zephyr but he either avoided or Destroyed them and he started running towards EMBERS holding his giant metal arm and when he was in front of EMBERS he punched him and sent him flying after EMBERS landed he just looks at Zephyr tell his dark eyes, turn Red blood color and said

EMBERS: you are the first to wound me in a hundred years now fell Mother Nature's wrath human

after he said this a weird skull grow on EMBERS head it looked like a deer skull and his body start to change to more of a monster than a human looking

BALANIS vs Aokiji part 1

BALANIS: your power is my worse weakness Mr...

Aokiji: my name is Kuzan but you can call me Aokiji your swords skill is not bad too but you and your captain will either be killed or sent to Impel Down

BALANIS: it looks like we can't solve this the easy way

after BALANIS said this he ran at Aokiji full of killing intent his sword is aimed at his nick but all Aokiji did was one skill

Aokiji: ice age

freezing BALANIS into an ice sculpted

Aokiji: sorry but this man is a Marine if you want to blame someone, blame your captain for starting this war and for making everyone here not able to sleep for days

before Aokiji left, he heard the sound of breaking, and then he barely avoided a flying sword he looked behind him only to see BALANIS free from the ice and looking at his

BALANIS: a man never leaves or falls tell he is finished with what he started so I have to use this now sorry Aokiji

BALANIS was now holding a... fish a salted fish but this is not any salted fish

sword name: hate-filled salted fish

History: This fish life was gloomy and filled with hate even after death this fish stall has a soul but the soul refuses to go to the haven and still gathers hate it will not stop till it killed her killer ????? ?????? ?????? ????

buffs: ???/???/???/???/???/???

after he takes the fish he ran to Aokiji and Aokiji seeing this Aokiji wants to freeze his but all BALANIS did was raise the fish and all of the ice melted

OAK and his family vs Akainu and John Giant

/OAK family photo

OAK: hahaha hot man your magma is weak in front of me IM the strongest

OAK was laughing at the one-armed Akainu after he pulled his arm off in one go and John Giant was Busy, with OAK family and he is losing the fight but they were still not given up even after losing an arm

Akainu: I will burn you and all of your kind tree man I will do it teel no one has left not even a leaf of your kind I will burn all


OAK Run at Akainu but this time Akainu did not use his devil fruit but used Haki and then punched OAK sending him over some marines he

Akainu: looked like you are weak to Haki now is my turn to pull your arm off

OAK stood up and said

OAK: I will make your face as flat as my wife

THUNDER vs Sengoku part 1

THUNDER: human the sky is mine so give up

said THUNDER to a golden man that man is Sengoku and now he was bleeding after taking THUNDER Dark Lightning breath to Protect his soldiers and friends he as Fleet Admiral needs to be strong-willed but Sengoku's kind nature is his only weakness

THUNDER: so it looks like this you are not moving to Protect your friends then let's fight on top of the sea I don't like killing the weak man and you are not a weak golden man

after THUNDER said this he Flew to the Battle edge and as soon as he get there he was punched by Sengoku so hard that he almost lost Consciousness he only looked at Sengoku and roared the two of them were evens in this Battle but Sengoku was Injured

Ents and Dryads vs Marine part 1

in the middle of this war, the Ent captains were fighting a shield arm Ent captain was fighting a Marine Captain the captain looked like a clown he is blond and his body is full of sewing and he was holding two pistols his name is fast hand Melono and he Believe in Moral Justice and the Ent captain was, a normal human size and his body is made out of Autumnwood and one of his arms was a shield his name is Guard and he is the leader of the frontline attack

Melono: not bad for a tree man you were protecting all of your soldiers under you

Guard: this is my only Jop so I can't fall it

after he said this he stop fast hand. Melono bullets using his hand shield and using his other hand to punches Melono but he evades but Guard's shield bash him making Melono lose him pistols and then punching his tell Melono passed out then Guard said

Guard: but his in jail I need to help the rest of the Captains fast

/photo Guard

[ chapter end ]