Oasis Grade 1 Community.

In the box of a newly settled hotel, Zhang Depeng sat at the top, with more than a dozen younger brothers below.

The table full of dishes was eaten to the point where only the remaining cups were left to be scorched.

"Brother Peng, let's go."

A little brother picked up his wine glass and said with some shaking.

Zhang Depeng laughed loudly, suffocated the wine in his glass, and shouted: "Happy."

As if venting, Zhang Depeng fiercely threw the wine glass on the ground, He said, "During this time, it really suffocated me. His grandma, this bastard, if I meet him, I have to kill him."

The then Zhang Depeng fled the scene. After that, with his rich experience, he immediately took his valuables and drove out of Handong City.

As if fleeing all the way, Zhang Depeng returned to his hometown.

In his hometown, Zhang Depeng is like a tiger returning to the mountains. possible. It is also the safest place for Zhang Depeng.

A stay at home is half a month.

This half a month, although not to worry about, also makes Zhang Depeng live restless.

In fact, on the third day of returning to his hometown, Zhang Depeng asked someone to inquire about the murder case, but there was no news. As if there was no murder that night, everything was calm and tranquil.

Zhang Depeng suspects that this is the fog of the police and dares not return to Handong City.

It wasn't until half a month later that Zhang Depeng confirmed that this was not a fog from the police, but that nothing really happened.

I don't know if the person who was killed was forbearance, or why they didn't report the case, or if Lu Chuan dealt with them in private? But no matter what kind, let Zhang Depeng sighed in relief.

Even the principal offender is fine, why is he also an accomplice, what can he do?

Having been accustomed to living in a big city, and getting used to the bright lights, how could Zhang Depeng stay in his hometown?

After confirming that nothing happened, Zhang Depeng returned to Handong City.

I didn't show up immediately, but made inquiries from various sources, and found that none of the younger brothers were arrested, which made Zhang Depeng completely relieved.

Zhang Depeng, who came back, regrouped the little brothers who had been separated before, and again supported the oasis Grade 1 community.

It's rare to return to this familiar city, Zhang Depeng is a place to spend every day.

Like now, I brought a group of younger brothers to drink vividly and thoroughly.

The strong young man who stabbed dozens of knives with a dagger back then also appeared here. Anyway, the party who was stabbed was silent, and he was happy and at ease.

Because of his this "brave", the status here becomes completely different.

A group of more than a dozen people, 80% to 90% drunk again, supported each other, and walked out of the restaurant shouting loudly. Occasionally, a few loudly shouted songs that were seriously out of tune, swaying forward on the street.


Lu Chuan stayed in the corner not far away, with his back against the wall, holding his arms and looking at Zhang Depeng and the others.

"I really enjoyed my drink."

Smiling lightly, Lu Chuan's eyes fell on a petite silhouette walking slowly on the street.

The height of 1.58 meters is not too short for southern women. Its appearance is very ordinary, it should be said that his face is a little pale, his eyes are numb, and he wears a set of tight clothes to highlight his curvaceous figure.

The chest Jade Rabbit is not big, but it also conforms to the aesthetic size of most Chinese people.

The long black hair, in the evening wind, has a feeling of long hair fluttering.

"Do it!"

Lu Chuan, who had been holding his arms, lightly issued this command.

This petite silhouette, who was walking slowly just now, suddenly ran wildly, hitting Zhang Depeng and the others at the speed of a 100-meter world sprint champion.

With the movement of its hand, a dagger slipped into its hand and was held by it.

80% to 90% of the people who were drunk didn't even realize that there was anything unusual, and they were all shouting and venting their drunken madness.


The dagger in this petite woman's hand slid fiercely, and left a bone-deep scar on the thigh of an unresponsive young man.


mournful scream sounded, this young man was very drunk, but the pain still stimulated his nerves, instinctively hugged his own Thigh, the man rolled onto the street, howling and covering the wound.

Others, under the alcohol, were a little sluggish and didn't know what was going on.

The little woman didn't hesitate, and swept her legs out.

The strong young man who once stabbed the zombie uncle was drinking like mud, but this sweep made him fall to the ground. The dagger in the little woman's hand seemed to be alive, and it was holding it backwards again, fiercely using a gouge method to slash it down against the opponent's thigh.


The tragic roar burst out, and this strong young man bounced up.

The little woman swung the dagger, and blood spurted out, more than ten centimeters high.


It was another hand change, and this blade was inserted on the other leg, without the handle. This blade almost inserted his thigh thoroughly, and on the other side of the thigh, a small tip of the knife could be seen.

This strong young man suffered two blows and let out a scream like killing a pig. It was like crazy. The severe pain made him roll around unconsciously, trying to relieve this pain.

The dagger held in the little woman's hand was raised again, trying to chisel it down again.

"Change target."

In time, Lu Chuan gave another order.

Otherwise, with its indifference and the degree of execution of instructions, the opponent would have no chance of being born if this shot hits the opponent's chest.

With the change of Lu Chuan's instructions, the little woman, holding the dagger, turned into a leopard and slammed into the crowd.

Take advantage of its speed, and its small height, to keep attacking one's thighs.

The output of 100% strength seems to be a woman, but its strength is no less than that of an adult brawny man. With every blow, the bones were deeply visible, and a large wound was torn open.

The blood stained the trousers of these people, and even pools of blood formed on the street.

"Killed, killed."

"Ah, it hurts to death."

"My legs..."

Everyone let out a howl of pain, and everyone who was injured became a little awake, clutching their wounds desperately, rolling on the street because of the pain.

This petite silhouette is very sensitive and fast.

The dagger was flickering, and it took only three or five minutes for more than a dozen people to be overturned by it, and they all let out a miserable howl.

The streets were full of blood.

When the little woman stopped, Zhang Depeng was the only one standing, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.


Drunk to a mushy head, Zhang Depeng's reaction was very slow.

I really don't blame Zhang Depeng, because everything the woman in front of her shows is like a killer in a movie. .

It's neat and tidy.

With those indifferent eyes that make people chill, Zhang Depeng is sure that the other party is here to kill.

On the street, there were already little brothers lying on the ground, all of them screaming and shivering.

Bone wounds can be seen deep, and some are even ten centimeters long.

"My mother..."

Zhang Depeng shivered and shouted subconsciously. At this time, his drunkenness woke up for at least a few minutes, and his head finally realized what had happened.

immediately, what Zhang Depeng was thinking about was to turn around and escape, to escape from here.


The effect of alcohol made Zhang Depeng want to escape, but found that his body would not obey his orders. . Alcohol paralyzed his nerves.

The petite silhouette took a step forward, grabbed Zhang Depeng's collar with one hand, and yanked it in front of her. With the other hand, the dagger in his hand stabbed out fiercely.


The sound of a sharp object piercing through the meat, the dagger pierced Zhang Depeng's thigh almost across.


The woman's hand pressed Zhang Depeng firmly, ignoring his screams, the dagger spun and cut out a huge wound.

The severe pain made Zhang Depeng struggle desperately, but in exchange, the dagger pierced through his other leg.


As the woman let go, Zhang Depeng knelt down abruptly, the pain in his knee was nothing under the severe pain in his thigh. .

next moment, Zhang Depeng fell to the ground, just like everyone else, howling and rolling.

Zhang Depeng's injury is more serious than others. The huge wounds were gushing blood, and even if they were cured in the later stage, terror would have an impact on walking.


The indifferent face of this little woman appeared in Zhang Depeng's eyes.


This face, and this indifferent look in his eyes, made Zhang Depeng go crazy. Ignoring the pain that almost made him faint, he struggled to escape. He struggled, crawling forward with his hands.

A small white hand grabbed one of Zhang Depeng's feet and lifted it abruptly. The dagger in his hand picked up at the ankle, tore a wound, and stabbed the hamstring. to provoke.


He was hit hard again, causing Zhang Depeng to scream again. .

The little woman stood up, flicked the blood from the dagger, her face remained unchanged, and she turned and strode away.

From its demeanor, you simply can't relate it to this tragic scene.

The people all over the place were howling and rolling, and the blood dyed a lot of red. The situation was terrible and appalling.

all around The people who found the situation here were so frightened that their souls came out, giving people the feeling that it was as if this little woman had killed dozens of big men. They are just ordinary people, how dare they pay attention to this matter?

There is only one security guard, with a little more sense of justice, with great courage, looking at the petite silhouette who left, tremblingly, he called the police with his mobile phone.