Lu Chuan's heart was heavy as he left the Colosseum.

Even though I have seen countless zombies, it is not as strong as the impact of humanity on Lu Chuan in the current stronghold.

This does not regard life as the stronghold of destiny at all.

This is still on the surface, but what about the back?

In a world out of order, you can imagine what life would be like for women. As a vulnerable group, without the maintenance of order, they have thoroughly become the playthings and tools of men.

Lu Chuan found that he couldn't do anything at all.

Compared with zombies, zombies are disgusting and dangerous, but their world is much purer, one is one, two is two.

"Take me to find a place to live, and then we have dinner."

Lu Chuan glanced at Chu Bin and said in a low voice.

"Okay, Boss." Chu Bin and the two cheered excitedly.

Finding a place to live in a stronghold is easy. The population here is dense, but in the face of a can, it is possible not to say give up their room, or let them fight for their lives.

This is canned meat, although it has expired, but who cares about it?

This is a set of rooms that used to be rich and luxurious.

Unfortunately, in the last few years, this place has become a bit shabby.

Open the window to let the air circulate for a while, then close it again to make it airtight.

Taking the can and a piece of bacon out of the bag, Lu Chuan threw a can to both Chu Bin and Wu Jiang, and let them raise a fire directly in the room, put the bacon in it. Cut into pieces to bake.

The firewood was chopped off a coffee table to serve, who would care about this one?

Chu Bin and Wu Jiang's eyes were both straight, staring at the piece of bacon, and they were even nervous to the point of trembling.

Whoever has experienced five years of not knowing the taste of meat, will not be better than them.

This is meat, a very precious thing in the last days.

Lu Chuan opened a jar with a wry smile and smelled it. Although it was past the expiration date, it still served as the fragrance mixed with spices and meat. I tried to pick out a piece and put it in my mouth, the taste did not change, it was in the edible range.

As for whether it will cause diarrhea, this Lu Chuan is really hard to say.

After just trying, Lu Chuan gave up.

Chu Bin and Wu Jiang devoured them. Judging from the level of enjoyment on their faces, it is not difficult to see how happy they are at the moment.

Perhaps since the end of the world, this is the most comfortable day for them.

By the time they finished the canning, the bacon was roasted nicely, exuding an aroma that no one could refuse. Fortunately, the seal here is good, so that the fragrance does not waft out and cause confusion.

Giving each of them a piece of bacon, Lu Chuan said in a low voice: "Okay, eat it, I have some questions for you to answer."

At this moment, Chu Binhe and Wu Jiang, aside from letting them die, probably will not reject Lu Chuan for anything.

In Lu Chuan's mind, the alarm of the crisis was still there.

In the stronghold, Lu Chuan can't stay for too long. He won't expect too much harvest on the first trip. What he needs is to know this stronghold and this neighbor.

Only when you understand it, can you gain benefits for yourself in depth.

If you come here, you want to make a mess.

Don't think too simplistically about the people of the last days. Everyone has come out of the sea of corpses and blood? There is absolutely no shortage of intrigue and intrigue.

Besides, don't really take the group of people who can control this stronghold as fools, they will be ignorant.

Lu Chuan is sure that as long as he has something abnormal and is a new face, 100% of people will sell his abnormality to get even a piece of bread.

This risk, Lu Chuan dare not gamble.

Understand the stronghold, integrate into the stronghold, use your own advantages, and use the survivors for your own use.

As for leveling the stronghold, Lu Chuan doesn't have this idea yet, although give Lu Chuan some time, Lu Chuan can create a sea of corpses and do it.

It's nice to be the boss of the zombie factory, but it's not a real zombie, how could it be difficult for humans to live?

Countdown to zombie attack: 11 days, 6 hours, 33 minutes, 24 seconds.

Unconsciously, four days passed in a blink of an eye.


The stronghold factory.

This factory is actually a factory that gathers all kinds of machinery and uses a lot of human power to form a factory. Some of it is mechanically sophisticated, and some of it is old, usable and can be found, most of which are concentrated here.

The entire factory is under the control of Qin Zhengyong, who is in the stronghold.

This factory not only meets Qin Zhengyong's needs, but is also open to the outside world.

It's just an open weapon, not a high level thing.

Like guns, only some home-made guns are sold, with limited accuracy and formidable power.

More, in fact, is to open up cold weapons.

In fact, every big guy who splits and controls this stronghold has a factory like this. The level of technology in the last days is actually similar to that of modern times, but in some technologies, it is slightly ahead of modern times.

On the basis of this industry and technology, it is not difficult to manufacture guns.

How many engineers, in the apocalypse, for the sake of a meal, not to mention asking them to make weapons, but to make biological and chemical weapons, they did it without hesitation.

It is only limited to conditions, there is no way to dissection the virus and create a method of restraint.

A stronghold with a large number of human resources, a manufacturing factory, if not limited by resources, tanks and artillery can be manufactured.

To deal with zombies, you don't need too high technical content. Even if the tank is at the level of World War II, it is enough for zombies to drink a pot.

However, some of the special steel needed to manufacture tanks is not available at all. The real tanks are not to be expected, but armored vehicles can be modified and manufactured.

Having a hot weapon, like a cold weapon, sells it to other free people in exchange for resources without any scruples.

At this time, Lu Chuan appeared outside the factory.

Almost feudal power structure domination, so that the outbound sales hall of the manufacturing plant is not small. This is a weapon exhibition hall emptied and transformed from a 4S shop, which lists a variety of weapons.

These weapons are completely myriad and mainly cold weapons.

With weapons, when dealing with zombies, there is more confidence.

Especially guns, even if there are problems with accuracy and range, they are guns after all, and they are extremely attractive.

Homemade, or imitation guns, are all hung on the walls.

In terms of appearance, it still has a certain shocking force.

The flow of people here can't be said to be too many, but not too many.

Lu Chuan appeared here in the morning with the two of them. There is no difference from others, Lu Chuan focuses on watching.

Most of the people who come and go are people with a sturdy style. They exude murderous aura all over their bodies. At a glance, you can tell that they are people who deal with zombies all the year round.

They are here, of course, for weapons.

The loss of personnel and the consumption of weapons all need to be replenished.

The currency used in the stronghold is circulated in gold. But for the real deal, it's food.

Gold is precious, but not human life.

Lu Chuan touched the chin, standing in front of a huge crossbow.

This is a crossbow made of industrial water. But in terms of performance, it's the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The strong strings, coupled with the huge arrows of cold light shining, this force is enough to penetrate a normal car.

It's a half-meter-thick wall, and it's possible to blast a hole.

The strength and price of the crossbow are Lu Chuan's favorite at present. Compared with guns, the price of a homemade rifle is about the same as this crossbow.

The disadvantage of the crossbow is that it is cumbersome and cannot be used by one person. It needs to be equipped on the car or used in some places.

"Modern things cannot be brought to the end of the world, otherwise it will be a giant crossbow. In modern industry, there are as many as you want." Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. , you can completely arm the zombie in a short time.

To the survivors, who possess the things of modern time and space, provide food and drink, and are they afraid that they will not acknowledge allegiance under their feet?

Unfortunately, none of this is available.