"Make two hundred alien zombies."

"Make two hundred ragers."

"Make two hundred swifts."

In the Boss's office, Lu Chuan gives the manufacturing order.

A strange synthetic sound came from the calm manufacturing workshop again, along with the flickering light, which represented the beginning of entering into the manufacturing process. According to the speed, the manufacture of 600 zombies takes exactly one hour.

An hour, which is exactly when the zombies arrived at the biochemical plant.

Making so much at one go, Lu Chuan showed the character of a nouveau riche.

To use a sentence, it is not bad for money.

With a capital of 1.1 billion, Lu Chuan can be said to be rich and imposing.

60 million deductions.

70 million deductions.

70 million deductions.

Three times the prompt sound of deducting funds means that 200 million funds have disappeared.

Adding up before and after, after deducting the losses, and counting the 600 zombies currently manufactured, the number of zombies in Lu Chuan's hands has exceeded 1,000.

Lu Chuan is sitting on the Boss chair, and under his idea, the holographic projection will show the interior of Lu Chuan's office by reducing the actual scene within a radius of four kilometers.

Through the holographic projection, every move of the four kilometers is in front of one's eyes of Lu Chuan.

In these four kilometers, the zombies seem to have disappeared, and their silhouettes can no longer be seen.

In the four directions of East, South, West, and North of the biochemical plant, the scarlet arrows remind Lu Chuan that the zombies are approaching step by step.

Under no view, you can see far away, there is a dark crowd of zombies moving on the street.

Lu Chuan's eyes narrowed, showing a solemn look.

"Is there too many?"

Lu Chuan's brows twitched into a ball, and the word "Chuan" appeared on his forehead. A zombie group in one direction is not small in scale. These four directions are definitely enough to drink a pot by yourself.

The initial hunch has now come to fruition. Really, this time will not be as simple as the first time.

"Judging from this scale, the number of zombies on the least side is also more than 1,000." Lu Chuan sighed, and all the previous tension disappeared.

Without the more than 1.1 billion revenue, Lu Chuan knew that eight or nine times out of ten, he would not be able to withstand this wave of attacks.

But now it's different, Lu Chuan is absolutely rich and imposing.

More than 1.1 billion, and now it's only 200 million. As long as you want, you can explode again.


In the construction site.

One by one, the zombies appeared in the previously designed positions, and then raised the big knife in their hands, made the best attack angle, and kept this action.

The same action of hundreds of zombies below is really shocking.

A machete with a sharp edge.

On the diversion lines, there are all zombies arranged by Lu Chuan, and some are even fully armed.

Unfortunately, there is no gas station in this area, and there is no place to store fuel, otherwise Lu Chuan will definitely let them know what fire sea is. A single piece of fire can stop their progress.

When everything is ready, the zombies are coming closer to the biochemical factory.



More than a thousand zombie groups, staggering and moving.

Zombies don't move very fast when they are wandering around, and their appearance is no different from other zombies. Composed of men and women, the identity of ordinary zombies makes them seriously rotten, and when some zombies move, some rotten flesh will fall from their bodies.

These zombie faces look sinister terrifying, their exposed teeth black hair yellow.

Some are rotting off the face, some are the top of the head, and some zombies are the whole head rotted badly, like a demon from hell.

They are almost composed of ordinary zombies, but there is a certain percentage of alien zombies in them.

Among the alienated zombies, some are furious and some are swift.

They are intertwined, and no one can determine their number.

This group of zombies, they are more like walking, they have not entered the running mode without stimulation. They are not fast, staggering forward, just keep following the arrows on the street.

Lu Chuan is constantly estimating their speed and how long it will be when they appear on the construction site.

"One hour, just one hour."

The countdown given by the biochemical factory is indeed accurate.


When the first zombie came to the ridge, it stepped into the range of four kilometers from the biochemical factory, and it fell into a manic state. It baring fangs and brandishing claws, madly running towards the biochemical factory.

It's not just it, the second zombie that came, once set foot on this distance, it ran wildly.

Like an effect, this group of zombies started the rush mode in just over ten minutes.

They staggered away with grim expressions on their faces.

The fastest among them, they were the first to break away from the corpse group, appear in front of the corpse group, and lead the way in front of the corpse group.

Not only in this direction, but the zombie groups in the four directions all entered the four-kilometer range, and they became manic. They all ran and gathered straight towards the biochemical factory.

As if in this brief moment, biochemical factories became the flesh and blood that attracted them.

Thousands of zombies are running wild, this momentum is actually quite big. Now what Lu Chuan needs to face are four zombie groups like this. It is still unknown whether the front line on the construction site can stop them.

Don't forget that these zombie groups are not just ordinary zombies.

Ordinary zombies, zombie dogs, alien zombies, furious ones, swift ones... These will be combined in the zombie group, and it is difficult to distinguish and confirm their various zombie information at once.

Dozens of zombie dogs, they broke away from the zombie group, crossed the front of the swift and violent, and rushed towards the biochemical factory.

"This is the trouble."

Lu Chuan can see everything clearly on the holographic projection.

Dozens of zombie dogs are difficult to deal with. If they force a breakthrough, who can stop it when the time comes?

The running speed of the zombie dog is definitely higher than that of the swift one.


Under the holographic projection, you can see a loud noise on the straight street in the north.

I only saw a licker appear on the street. The way it appeared was that it jumped down from a building not far away and smashed to the ground. the sound of.

Getting up from the ground, the licker desperately started chasing after the zombie in front of him.

Like a large lizard, the licker crawls up, and the speed is not inferior to the fast one.

Lu Chuan's eyes are fascinated, and he said before that there is a small chance that a product with a higher level will appear. I didn't encounter it for the first time, but this time, this small chance still appeared.

A licker zombie appears here, representing this licker, only a Level 3 biochemical factory is needed, and as long as it is successfully unlocked, it can be manufactured in batches.

The current situation is that Lu Chuan has no idea what else is coming out of the Level 3 factory.

It didn't seem to make Lu Chuan think too much. On the street in the south, a tall silhouette appeared. It carried an alienated arm and strode forward. When it set foot on the four-kilometer range, its body A short, but a sudden sprint.

Lu Chuan could clearly see that when he exerted force, his bare feet forcibly fractured the concrete surface of the street.


Lu Chuan gasped, because this one appeared, it turned out to be a first-time tyrant, that is, the first generation of tyrants.