
Lu Chuan exhaled, and he just rushed into the stairs.

Looking at the CMB surrounded by bloodthirsty sharp claw, if it were ten seconds slower, the consequences would be disastrous, and no one could escape when the time comes. Lu Chuan knew that with so many bloodthirsty sharp claws, he didn't even have a 100% chance of escaping.

"Go, go, fast."

Lu Chuan shouted, telling those who were still falling from the building to go.

What a joke, the entrance to this subway station is so big that these bloodthirsty sharp claws can rush in.

That's true, no one here needs to think about living anymore.

The people here are terrified, but they still know what to do, scrambling to run down the subway station one by one. In the current situation, they don't care whether there will be danger inside.

Fortunately, there isn't even a zombie here, it's empty.

The only downside is that it may be a bit dark.

Lu Chuan is in the back, and hu hu is also running. It is necessary to widen the distance as soon as possible, otherwise these bloodthirsty sharp claws will catch up and die.

"I'm going to lose another million or two million."

Lu Chuan has a depressed feeling, this accident is completely self-paying.

Although he was depressed, Lu Chuan still issued a few orders. There were several alien zombies outside the subway station. They suddenly ran wildly, fiercely rushing over, holding one of the bloodthirsty sharps. Claw, is a burst of gnawing.

Having them as an attraction successfully caught the eye of these bloodthirsty sharp claws.

While biting, these alienated zombies were shredded by their sharp claw in less than a minute and turned into parts all over the floor.

A total of five alien zombies, 1.5 million reimbursement.

Fortunately, the little time that was won gave these bloodthirsty sharp claws no chance to chase. After they solved the alienation zombie, Lu Chuan and the others, who had distanced themselves, no longer attracted the attention of the bloodthirsty sharp claws.

And the other zombies, under the instruction of Lu Chuan, instantly became the same as other zombies, in a free state.

With this method, these zombies will be placed here.


A beam of light lit up in this subway track.

Lu Chuan took the lead, jumped off the track from the platform, and headed in one of the directions.

Luo Changqing and the others were still in a state of shock. The flying zombie that was hiding the sky and covering the earth was so frightened that their hearts were about to jump out, and they were almost finished.

Fortunately, at least they are still alive now, and none of them are missing.

Looking at the darkness here, only the flashlight in Lu Chuan's hand was on, and they felt a fear rise in the mind again. Here, God knows what will happen? If the subway is full of zombies, what will they do?

But at this step, there is no turning back.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Beijiang bitterly laughed, is there any choice now?

The others also smiled wryly, but they could only touch the darkness and walk with the light brought by Lu Chuan. They can't see too much all around, the only thing is to follow Lu Chuan.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan's speed is very slow, enough for them to keep up, otherwise, with their physique, someone must be left behind.


On the edge of the track they can't see, there will be a zombie in a latent state from time to time, it is motionless, but it does not mean it is "Death", they just didn't move under Lu Chuan's instructions.

This team of survivors is difficult to find under the light source only in the hands of Lu Chuan. After all, the light source is limited, and the whole picture cannot be seen.

Behind this team of more than 50 people, where they couldn't see it, there were more than 300 Level 2 alienated zombies, hanging far away and following the team.

The zombie brought out this time, the loss is not very big, more is put on the road by Lu Chuan.

For the people in the stronghold, Lu Chuan's idea is long-term, and leaving these zombies will help him in the future.

Crossing the subway takes a long time.

The entire subway was opened by Lu Chuan, and there would be no danger. With ordinary zombies as nails, Lu Chuan can control the situation of the entire subway line through them.

It took more than ten kilometers, almost an hour, to finally arrive at a resettlement site prepared for them by Lu Chuan.

This resettlement site is actually in a shopping mall outside the entrance of the subway station.

This place has long been emptied by Lu Chuan. Within the field of vision of the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan can know their every move.

The placement here is only temporary, as Lu Chuan will move them out of here soon.

In the field of vision of the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan can be said to have the perspective of God and can confirm that there is no danger in this area. At the same time, use the zombie in your hand to disperse the nearby zombies.

Appearing from the entrance and exit of the subway station, the entire group quickly entered a nearby shopping mall.

Here, the zombie was also emptied by Lu Chuan, which is very safe.

"You stay here for a while, and you need to transfer again." Lu Chuan took them to a warehouse where they were housed. Here Lu Chuan prepared water and food, enough for them to eat half a month.

Only a small window of light comes in, it's a little dark here, but you can still see things.

In fact, when they just left the subway station, many people trembled in their legs, because they found that this place turned out to be the Central Zone of the city. This is dying, who doesn't know that the center of the city has the largest number of zombies, and the powerful zombies are also the most active.

Here, they may be eaten raw at any time.

The food and water were abundant, which gave Luo Changqing and the others some peace of mind. When they got here, everyone felt a sense of escape. With their physique, they were afraid to come all the way, and it was like a miracle that they were able to get here.

All of them sat down, took these biscuits and the like, and ate.

As for how the biscuits came from and why they are still edible, they don't care at all.

Lu Chuan sat not far away, but watched them eat.

These biscuits were brought in by modern times, but in bulk, unmarked, they impossible to know that this is something that does not belong to this world. If you want to guess, Lu Chuan doesn't care, just eat it, no matter how it comes, does it matter?

"Boss, didn't you promise that we are here to study and engage in our previous profession?" Luo Changqing ate some biscuits and water. After gaining some energy, he immediately came to Lu Chuan. ask.

I can't tolerate him not caring, the current situation is really disturbing.

How did you get to the center of the city?

Survivors, shouldn't they be far from the city?

Lu Chuan nod when, I will do I promised and said, "Yes, what, I will definitely it. Now, here is just a transfer you all have a little rest first, the time comes, transfer you. ."

"But..." Luo Changqing was still a little unwilling.

Lu Chuan said sharply: "Professor Luo, I naturally have my arrangements. You just need to stay here with peace of mind and don't make any noise. I guarantee you are absolutely safe."

Lu Chuan said sharply. >

Speaking of this, Lu Chuan stood up and said: "I think everyone knows the center of the city here, there are millions and millions of zombies, as long as we are discovered by them, we will surely die. If you don't want to die, stay in Here, don't speak loudly, eat and sleep well, and I will take you to another place in three to five days."

No one dares to object, and when we get here, we can only obey Lu Chuan. s arrangement.

Even if Lu Chuan wanted them to die, now they have no way out.

The only way is actually to obey Lu Chuan, they can only hope that Lu Chuan will not want to kill them as food for so much trouble. After all, judging from the food here, it seems that the other party is not short of food ?

"Understood, Boss." Some people responded and said repeatedly.

Lu Chuan pointed at Zhao Beijiang: "Now, he is your temporary head, all have to obey his command and stay here."

Zhao Beijiang is a more cooperative one. A person with prestige, Lu Chuan is more willing to give this place to him.

Here is within the field of vision of the biochemical factory, and Lu Chuan knows everything about their every move. There are a lot of zombies outside, and there are also a lot of zombies of their own subordinates. Even if they want to escape, there is nowhere to escape.

"Lao Zhao, I'll leave it to you." Lu Chuan patted Zhao Beijiang's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I won't have trouble with my own life." Zhao Beijiang, who was also a bachelor, said softly. He didn't even have any objection to Lu Chuan's behavior of slapping himself on the shoulder, this junior.

Who made Lu Chuan, now his boss?