Enter the subway station, then go through the subway route, all the way to Bei'an New District.

Beijing New District is located in the west of the biochemical factory. It is a new industrial area specially created by the local government to solve the urban industrial problems. There are as many as 100 enterprises.

Many industrial enterprises in the city have relocated to this industrial park.

It's just that Bei'an New District is called a new district, but this name was more than ten years ago. With the rapid expansion of the city, Bei'an New District, which was 20 kilometers away from the city before, was bordered by the city.

For the convenience of travel in Bei'an New District, there is a subway that passes through Bei'an New District, and a huge subway station is set up in Bei'an New District.

According to the speed of the city's development, within ten years, the Bei'an New District will become a central district, which is unfavorable for a city's development. It's just that many of the enterprises in the Bei'an New Area have already reached scale, and the relocation is simply not something the government can afford.

The government has a plan, but it has not been implemented, and the end times are coming.

If the large Bei'an New Area has millions of employees, it is conceivable that when the end times come, how many zombies will be produced here.

The survivors didn't dare to make an idea here, mainly because the number of zombies here is too much, not their current strength can eat.

Passing through the subway station, there were not too many waves along the way. It took about two hours, and Lu Chuan station arrived in front of the subway station in Bei'an New District.

"Clean up the zombies here."

Lu Chuan gave an order coldly, and more than 500 zombies, the lowest of which were also alienated zombies, rushed forward like wolves. , using the big knives in their hands, it seems like chopping vegetables on this subway station.

The zombies here, mostly zombies in work clothes, are all workers working in Bei'an New District.

Become a zombie, and there is no such thing as a worker stage.

Lu Chuan's hands will never be soft-hearted.

They are monsters, zombies, no longer human. Regardless of their previous status, in this brief moment, it doesn't matter.

There are more than a thousand zombies in the subway station, and there are dozens of Level 2 alienation zombies.

Because of the nature of zombies and zombies, this is a total massacre.

Lu Chuan is human, but the effect of the zombie suit makes Lu Chuan a zombie. So, Lu Chuan leaned leisurely by the side of a parked train, admiring this killing.

Being in the end times, all this takes getting used to.

Want to get a factory building, but not simple, the current killing is just an appetizer.

It took twenty minutes to clear this subway station.

Seeing that there is no zombie standing anymore, Lu Chuan's instruction, of course, is to directly clean up the zombie here. A zombie, carried by his subordinate zombies, was carried away from here, and the entire subway station was cleaned up.

There is no other way to do things like blood and liquid, and Lu Chuan can only let it go.

It was almost noon after a busy time.

Leaving the apocalypse, having lunch in the villa, and then entering again.


Outside the subway station entrance.

Looking at the dense zombie here, Lu Chuan frowned.

It seems that when the time comes to bring survivors here, we also need to solve the zombies here, and see what way to get them out of this area. To say that the killing is over, given the number of zombies here, it is a bit reluctant.

Zombies surrounded by Lu Chuan in the center and started to move towards Bei'an New District.

The nearest factory in Bei'an New District is Shengmei Electronics Factory.

It is only two hundred meters away from the subway station.

There are zombies protecting Lu Chuan, enough for Lu Chuan to reach the Shengmei Electronics Factory safely.

What I saw was an incomparable gigantic factory, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. Then all around the factory are dormitory buildings for employees, and zombies can be seen faintly moving above.

As a star enterprise in the city, Shengmei Electronics Factory has more than 60,000 employees.

Like this factory, Shengmei Electronics Factory has a full five.

Because it was relocated at an early stage, the location of the Shengmei Electronics Factory and the area it occupies are not small. There is a tall fence that surrounds the entire electronics factory and forms an independent space.

"Not bad."

Lu Chuan grinned.

This is the closest to the subway station, which is convenient for transportation. And this large Independent Space is enough for its own use.

The only downside is that the number of zombies is a bit huge.

But it doesn't matter, what Lu Chuan wants at the moment is just one of the factories. This huge number of zombies, let's keep it as a security guard to prevent these survivors from having any thoughts.


Crossing the zombie on the street, Lu Chuan successfully appeared in front of the factory gate of Shengmei Electronics Factory.

The tall factory gate, combined with modern technology, is very grand. This door alone gives people a feeling that this factory is very powerful and very profitable.

Earning or not, Lu Chuan doesn't know, and now he doesn't need to care about this issue anymore.

The zombies wandering around here discovered the line of Lu Chuan, but they were protected by the zombie suit, so that the arrival of Lu Chuan would not disturb them. And they will not take the initiative to attack Lu Chuan.

The zombies brought by Lu Chuan were ignored by the zombies here.

These zombies are still useful for Lu Chuan to keep, and there is no need to strangle them.

The escaped survivors left the door of this factory open. Lu Chuan and his party went in directly, issued a few orders, cleaned up the nearby zombies, and then closed the door.

The gate of Shengmei Electronics Factory is still very interesting. It is still closed mechanically, and it is also closed with an old-fashioned steel door.

In addition to this one, there are more common rolling retractable doors.

The retractable door has no effect, that is, it is usually used to stop vehicles and pedestrians. In the face of violence, they function almost as well as zero.

Lu Chuan closed an old-fashioned mechanical steel door. Once the door is closed, then the small doors on both sides are closed again. Basically, people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in. , forming a closed space.

With zombies, Lu Chuan took a fancy to the first factory.

The door of this factory is open. The third floor is the structure. The First Layer is the product storage area. What catches the eye is the densely packed packaging, which is almost all electronic parts.

Taiwan forklifts and small transport vehicles were thrown here, and dozens of zombies wandered here.

"Close the door."

Under Lu Chuan's order, ten rages pushed the door, making a harsh sound, and began to close.

The dozens of zombies here were awakened by the harsh metal friction, and then moved quickly towards the gate and ran over. It's a pity that facing them is a sharp blade, and in the blink of an eye, they were brought down and their heads cut off.

To clear these zombies aside, Lu Chuan gave the order.

More than 500 zombies, like a pack of wolves, spread out in this factory area under the command of Lu Chuan. What they executed was the killing order issued by Lu Chuan.

Zombies with gleaming daggers, they dash up the stairs.

Lu Chuan stood on the first floor, but climbed onto the chair of a forklift and sat in peace.

The next thing, you don't need to do it yourself, it is enough to have these zombies. Of course, the next scene was too bloody and terrifying, and Lu Chuan still didn't plan to participate.