Back to the biochemical plant.

Lu Chuan opens the manufacturing panel. On the technology tree above, on the Level 3 product line, the icon of the licker finally lights up, which means that the licker can finally be listed. into the manufacturing order.

The icon of the licker is a head with a tongue sticking out. The naked and exposed head makes people feel terrifying.

At this moment, Lu Chuan felt a little cordial.

After struggling for so long, this biochemical weapon that made me drool was finally unlocked. I used to feel that it was disgusting because it didn't belong to me, but now that I can finally make it myself, this feeling is different.

I locked my eyes on this icon, and immediately listed the manufacturing information.

The licker: The manufacturing price is 400,000.


Lu Chuan laughed, revealing a smile he knew long ago.

The manufacturing price of the alien zombie is 300,000, and the rage and the swift are both 350,000. According to the advanced system of 50,000, the manufacturing price of the licker is 400,000.

The price displayed by the biochemical plant now also confirms that Lu Chuan's guess is correct.

A licker, it belongs to Level 3 zombie, which means that it does not need to be strengthened, it only needs a manufacturing cost of 400,000, but it is more ferocious than a swifter that has been strengthened ten times.

A Swifter that has been strengthened ten times costs 350,000 to manufacture, each strengthening is 350,000, and ten times is 3.5 million. In addition to the manufacturing cost, 3.85 million is extremely expensive.

However, the swifter who spent 3.85 million is still weak in front of the lickers.

From this cost, you can know how much help Lu Chuan's own strength will be when unlocking the licker. The price of one Swifter that has been strengthened ten times can completely create 9 lickers.

This is the huge change brought about by high Level 1 products, which completely overwhelms low Level 1 products.


I have to say that when you don't unlock the next Level 1 product, you have to deal with a higher Rank zombie, you can only improve the strength of the zombie in your hand by strengthening .

Once the lickers are unlocked, either Rampager or Swifter, their production can be stopped.

In the hands of the swift and the furious, they will be relegated to the second line.

From this unlocking formula, it is not difficult to see that the entire structure can be supported without the so-called trillions of wealth. The formidable power of the lickers, as long as the number is up, it does not need to be much, what is the concept of making 10,000 or 20,000?

It can be said that after unlocking the licker, Lu Chuan's confidence suddenly increased.

Lu Chuan took a look at his funds and found that he had less than 300 million left. In just two or three months, he spent 800 million. On average, more than 200 million a month, nearly 300 million, absolutely terrifying.

"Make 100 lickers."

Lu Chuan didn't have much money, but he still used 40 million to make 100 lickers.

Don't look at the number of 100, but these are lickers.

A licker in the movie supports the final boss role in a movie, which shows its ferocity. Now Lu Chuan is making 100 of them in one go. If they are concentrated, any survivors will be scared to pee.

The production time of lickers, the number of 100, reached 100 minutes.

In other words, only 1 licker can be created per minute.

It seems that the efficiency is very low, but the level and strength of the lickers, this manufacturing efficiency is already very high.

More than an hour passed in a flash.

Lu Chuan arrived in front of the product exit pallet early. When the product exit pallet was covered by aerosol, Lu Chuan knew that the lickers were coming out. Involuntarily, Lu Chuan focused his attention on the product stand, with a little excitement.

In the mist, a huge silhouette standing in great numbers could be faintly seen.

The number of 100 lickers is really quite a lot, and there is a piece on the product export pallet.

Wait until the aerosol dissipated, and a bloody red appeared.

Densely packed lickers were placed in front of Lu Chuan. Even though Lu Chuan was already very familiar with them, Lu Chuan still had a trembling feeling when these hideous zombie monsters appeared in front of him.

The feeling of trembling in my heart will produce a feeling of powerlessness.

Fortunately, these ferocious biochemical weapons are now their own.

The movements of the lickers are somewhat like frogs, with the forelimbs propping up the head and the body. The hind limbs are slightly bent and half-squatted. When its mouth is closed, it is round, and when it is opened, it is full of sharp teeth like a saw.

It has no eyes, but Lu Chuan felt that hundreds of lickers were staring at him.

Even though he has a strong heart and knows that they are products made by himself, Lu Chuan still felt a sense of panic when he got close to them.

For the first time, Lu Chuan was so close to them.

The naked, exposed brain can be seen beating one by one when approached, and every blood vessel inside has the fluid of the crimson flowing.

The muscles have no skin, and the blood-red muscles are intertwined, making people feel the explosive power in the muscles.

The animal-shaped lickers, even if they leaned over, Lu Chuan stood in front of them, but only into its chin. It was just a head up, but the oppression force it brought made Lu Chuan's breathing aggravate.

It can be said that lickers are biochemical weapons in the first real sense of biochemical virus production.

Lu Chuan stood in front of one of them, feeling the fierceness and ferocity emanating from it. Its muscles had a trace of moisture, as if peeling off the skin of a human body. .

"Should be like this?"

Lu Chuan showed a faint smile. He was referring to the surprise when the first batch was made.

When any type is unlocked, there will be a surprise in the biochemical factory, such as a zombie with a very high foundation. Now it is directly mass-producing 100 pieces. Lu Chuan knows that the surprise is in it.

The information of a hundred lickers floated up.

This message is the instinctive message of the licker. If there is instinct, it will be displayed, if not, it will be blank and there will be nothing.

Level 3 numbers start with the letter B.

Level 1 zombie is a pure number, Level 2 zombie is represented by an A before the number, and Level 3 zombie is the letter B without exception.

"I found it."

Lu Chuan grinned. The law he had guessed was correct.

The licker is different from other zombie species, their appearance is almost the same, the difference will be very small when ten are placed together. Same height, same appearance… as if it was cloned.

Ordinary zombies, alienated zombies, swifts, and rages are based on human appearance.

This is actually the biggest difference between the zombie types after lickers.

A hundred identical lickers, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart without the numbers on their heads.

Lu Chuan's eyes were locked on the body of the zombie, B1, which was the first on the left at the front end of the zombie. You'll never see a difference in it from the outside.

But through the information panel, Lu Chuan knew it was different.

It turned out to have three primordial instincts, which was the first time Lu Chuan saw it.

Licker (B1): Bounce, Burst, Bump.

This is the information about it, very simple, but the first one is not simple, three such good instincts appear in it, and the give is that it will be stronger.

Like this instinct, it's not easy to get, even to brush zombies.

After reaching the Level 3 zombie, since the number of this high level zombie will decrease, you need to find all ten Instinct Fragments, and at least kill three or fifty Level 3 zombies to get it.

And these ten pieces of instinct, do you dare to guarantee that there is a good instinct?

If there is a cooking skill on a licker's body, it will be a fool. What is the use of cooking for a zombie born by fighting and killing? In addition to cooking, there is also playing the piano, as well as kicking, playing , etc., all of which are equivalent to zero when put on zombies.

This is exactly the case. How rare is it for this three-instinct licker to be able to have all three instincts?

Bounce is its ability to jump every time.

Breakout can be completely understood as a critical strike in the game. Once it appears, it is often double the effect.


About the impact, look at the tonnage of the licker, some of which are the same size as a cow. Once it hits while running, the consequences are completely the impact of a car. And this impact is to strengthen the effect of this impact .

"Not bad!"

Lu Chuan sighed and didn't plan to start strengthening this licker now. Lu Chuan's idea was to create the strongest piece in his hands. The weapon comes, and when strengthening it, you must find enough instincts to use it ten times at least.

It's not that all instincts will be strong to it, but the instinct that can strengthen its battle strength.

There is no need to strengthen it for the time being, but the strength of the lickers is not comparable to that of the elite swifts. With them, the swifts will no longer be the strongest power in Lu Chuan's hands.

There is no need to strengthen it. Once a hundred lickers appear, naturally, needless to say, they can scare people to death.

At this moment, Lu Chuan has never felt so safe and fulfilled.