It not a date!

The next few days passed by in a blur, and soon it was Saturday.

Malakai was moving around in his room in a nervous flurry.

It was 11 a.m. He had agreed to meet with Hao Sheng at 12 and he still didn't know what to wear.

Should he go completely casual? But what if that was too casual and he ended up looking underdressed. But dressing formally might be overdressed!

He runs his hands through his hair and groans before sitting down on his bed.

He took a deep breath.

He told himself to calm down, it's not like it was a date or anything. It was just two friends who were going to hang out after a long time apart.

There was no need to work so hard to impress him. If he didn't like what he was wearing, then that was his problem.

He told himself that, but he was still careful as he picked out an outfit. In the end, he chose to go for a casual-formal look.

By the time he actually got dressed, it was half past 11.

He left his room and went downstairs. At the main door, the butler, Isaac, was waiting for him.

"Young master, the car you asked for has been arranged and is waiting for you outside. I hope you have a safe trip. ", he said with a bow.

Malakai nodded his head in acknowledgement before continuing outside.

Although he and Isaac weren't close, he was always civil to Malakai, so he never really caused him any problems.

He got inside the car and instructed the driver to take him to Michelle Park.

He looked out the window as he watched the scenery pass by and thought back to when he was younger. when his mother was still alive.

Malakai's mother and Hao Sheng's mother were childhood friends, and they raised Malakai and Hao Sheng together as if they were brothers; as a result, Hao Sheng and Malakai were best friends.

When Malakai's mother died, Hao Sheng and his mother were there for him and helped him through the tough time. Later, when they had to move away, he was heartbroken.

They had helped and cared for him when he needed them most. That's why, although many years had passed, he had a soft spot for them, or more specifically, for Hao Sheng.

He felt the car come to a stop and snapped out of his thoughts. It was all in the past anyway. No need to dwell too much on it.

He got out of the car before the driver could open the door for him. He turned to the driver and said curtly, "You don't have to wait for me. I'll call you when I'm ready to go home".

The driver nods, then gets back in the car and drives away.

Malakai looked as the car left and then made his way into the park and sat on one of the benches overlooking the play area.

He was a whole 10 minutes early, so he decided to wait.

He remembers coming to this park all the time with Hao Sheng. They'd play on the swings, sometimes play with the other children, but they were mostly in their own little world. At the end of the day, they would get ice cream at the parlor around the corner.

He smiled as the memories came rushing back.

Hao Sheng. Hao Sheng. Hao Sheng.

Malakai's foot started bobbing a bit as he thought about what was about to happen.

He was about to meet with Hao Sheng. He could feel the excitement mixed with nerves welling up inside of him.

Calm down. Calm... CALM.

It's not like it's a date or anything. There's no need to be nervous.

From afar, he heard footsteps, but he ignored them, too lost in his thoughts. He only looked up when he felt a shadow cover him.

Hao Sheng gave him a brilliant smile and gave him a little wave.

"Hey!", he said casually.

"Hi", Malakai breathed out, smiling back.

"So you ready to go?", Hao Sheng asks.

"Yes, yes.But where exactly are we going? ", he asked as he stood up and they made their way out of the park.

Hao Sheng scratched the back of his head, looking a bit shy.

I'm sorry.I got a bit excited and ended up planning our whole day. I hope you don't mind", he says sheepishly.

Normally, Malakai despised it when others made decisions for him and despised letting others take the lead, but for some reason, he didn't mind with Hao Sheng.

He smiled, "Don't worry, I'm okay with it. I didn't have anything in mind anyway", he reassures Hao Sheng.

Hao Sheng sends him a charming smile before it morphs into a teasing one.

"That's good. But as far as I remember, when we were younger, you always wanted things your way and no other way. What happened?~", he asks with that damn infuriating smile of his.

Malakai lightly smacks his arm.

"Tch. I wasn't that bad.", he says firmly.

"Besides the way I remember things, the only reason I always took the lead was because you were such a crybaby~", he says, smirking, with a lilt in his voice.

Hao Sheng just laughs.

"I was sort of soft back then, wasn't I?", he says lightly.

They were now by the park gate.

"So, what's first on our agenda, sir?" Malakai inquires lightly.

Hao Sheng slightly stiffened at the 'sir', but seconds later he was back to normal, almost like nothing happened.

"Well, first we're going to get a little snack. We're going to Paul's Palour for some ice cream.", he says as he steers them in the direction of the little ice cream shop.

Malakai hummed. "Funny thing, I was just thinking about that shop earlier. It's been so long since I last went there, honestly. ", he sighed.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Last time I had the ice cream was before we moved so I've been craving it a lot", Hao Sheng confided.

"I don't blame you. Paul's was the best. It's a pity I never came back here.", Malakai sighs.

They round the corner and reach a homey little corner shop with the sign, 'Paul's Palour', hanging above the door.

Hao Sheng holds the door open for Malakai and does a little bow.

Malakai just rolled his eyes and entered the shop.

A middle-aged man at the counter greeted, "Welcome to my palour. What can I do for you? "

They came closer, and the man let out a little gasp.

"My my my, if it isn't little Sheng Sheng and little Kai! Well, I guess you guys aren't so little anymore. Look at you! Last time I saw you, you were coming up to my waist and now you're towering over me! ", Paul exclaimed happily.

This got genuine smiles from both Malakai and Hao Sheng.

"Hi Uncle Paul.", Malakai greeted him warmly.

Hao Sheng greeted, "It's been a while, Uncle Paul."

"It sure has. Come, come. What can I get you guys? On the house! Pick whatever you like!", he said as he led them to the ice cream bar with the containers with all the different ice creams.

"We can't do that, Uncle Paul. That seems like taking advantage of you...", Hao Sheng voiced.

"Yes, I insist we pay", Malakai echoed.

"Nonsense! Let me treat you to some ice cream. Its been so long since we last saw each other. To dare insist you want to pay. Hmph. Who do you take me for?!", Paul asked, looking a little indignant.

"But still...", Hao Sheng said.

"Fine, fine. How about this? You take the ice cream and just promise that next time you'll visit again, and advertise my store to all of your friends, maybe.", he said, sighing.

Hao Sheng agreed, although a bit reluctantly.

"Don't worry, Uncle Paul! I have many friends, so I'll definitely spread the word about your shop! ", Malakai affirmed.

"Good, good. Now come tell me what ice cream you want. ", he said, as he pointed to the ice cream.

The two picked their flavors, and after staying for a few minutes to chat with Uncle Paul, they left the store.

"You still like vanilla, I see", Malakai drawled, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"I don't care what you say, vanilla will be the best flavour.", Hao Sheng stated proudly.

"It's bland and ordinary, it has no extra flair and flavour", Malkai groans.

Hai Sheng looked him in the eye. "There's nothing wrong with bland and ordinary. Actually, I quite like it. It's unique in its own way", he said, humming a bit.

He didn't break eye contact until a few seconds later. Malakai couldn't help but feel like there was an underlying meaning to his words, but he chose not to look too deeply at them for now.


[Blackening -5%]

[Love Scale +5%]

"So where to now?", Malakai asked, changing the subject.

"To the cinema. I was thinking we could go watch a movie. ", he says, smiling slightly.

"That sounds good", Malakai says.

With that, the duo was off.