I can be your daddy

In another place. The party was already in full swing despite the early hour. It had been hosted Mike, one of Malakai's playmates, at villa outside of town. There were people dancing or just talking about all over the place. Majority were already tipsy, if not completely drunk.

Malakai was counted in this majority. He had arrived a bit earlier and gotten more than a few drinks in his system. He had tried looking for Hao Sheng and, begrudgingly, Luxia, but none were to be seen. He didn't think much of it and just figured they would find each other at some point when they got there. In the meantime, he enjoyed himself. Socialising occasionally and just generally dancing.

Just as he was getting into the groove of things on the dance floor, he felt a pair of hands land on his hips and felt the warm breathe of another brush against his ear. Malakai's face scrunched up and he paused. Just as he was about to tell the other party off, he heard a familiar voice whisper in his ear.

"Looking fine today, princess"

Malakai immediately stopped his earlier action. He felt heat creep up his neck and into his ears and cheeks. At that moment, he couldn't help but be glad the lighting in the room was not that good. It's not like he didn't want Hao Sheng to see his face or anything. He just didn't want to have a headache at the end of the night because the lights were too bright… yeah… that was it…

Malakai quickly composed himself before swivelling around and pointing his index finger to Hao Sheng's chest.

"You scared me! Can you announce yourself before pulling something like that next time," Malakai practically spat. For some reason his heart sped up now that they were face to face. He thought about it and chalked it up to the alcohol. He probably just had one too many glasses and the alcohol was causing his heart and breathing to pick up.

The party in question just chuckled with a shrug and raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. But what? Are you not going to greet me?" he asked, crowding closer to Malakai.

Malakai felt his throat go dry and he swallowed trying to get some moisture but he didn't move back. Now that Hao Sheng was closer, he finally looked at him, really looked at him. For some reason, he just looked a bit too good, especially with the halo of the ever changing LED party lights around him.

"Hi…" Malakai greeted, but it sounded too breathless so he cleared his throat and tried again.

"You just get hear? I couldn't find earlier," he said, sounding a bit more like normal himself.

"Oh?" Hao Sheng raised a brow, "Where you looking for me, princess?"

Malakai shot him a deadpan look. Hao Sheng chuckled again.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing," he said with a smile. "Yes, we arrived a bit earlier on".

Malakai looked around at that but didn't see the familiar tail he is used to seeing following Hao Sheng around.

"We? Is Luxia here as well? Where is she? I don't see her", Malakai said, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Hao Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly and flashed Malakai a charming smile. "We split up as soon as we got here. She said she 'wanted to do her own thing'. So sadly you're going to have to just settle for my company today".

That pleased Malakai a lot. It wasn't that he hated Luxia or anything. Sure he had a problem with her when he first met her, but as the week went on and they kept hanging out, she kind of grew on him. Besides he was assured that she and Hao Sheng were only friends and that nothing was going on between them after being around them for a week. So logically, he shouldn't mind having her around. Despite this, he still felt a surge of happiness that she wasn't going to be tagging along. It was weird but he couldn't deny the feeling.

Malakai let out a pleased hum and didn't think much more on that matter. He grabbed Hao Sheng by the hand and led him to what looked like a mini-bar, with everything from ciders to whiskey.

"What would you like?" Malakai asked him.

Hao Sheng shook his head. "I will just have a soda. I'm driving tonight so I can't have anything".

"How responsible of you," Malakai drawled, pouring himself another drink. "More for me then!"

"Well then, what do you want to do now that you're here?" Malakai asked, turning to him, a bit more chipper than before. "Wanna dance?"

Hao Sheng gently shook his head. "Dancing isn't really my thing. Let's find a quiet corner first and just talk".

Malakai nod and picked a 2 more glasses then led him to a quiet little corner of the living where a sofa had been pushed. Well, as quiet as it could be at a party. They both sat down, leaving a bit of space in between them much to Malakai's irritation.

Malakai suddenly felt a twinge of nerves now that they were alone. It had been fine before, but now that they were actually alone, he didn't know what to say and how to act.

He chose to take a big swig of his drink, counting on alcohol courage to help him get through this. Seeming to forget that he was blaming that very same alcohol for messing with him, just earlier.

After taking a deep calming breath, he faced his companion with a smile.

"So… how are you liking the party this far?" Malakai immediately regretted the question. What was he? Some desperate middle schooler on a 1st date? The question was cringe worthy that Malakai actually felt himself cringe as he asked it.

Hao Sheng just chuckled.

"Well I mean I don't know, I just got here after all," he said, shrugging. He moved a bit closer and leaned in. "But, I do have great company so I would say I'm in for a good time", he whispered with a wink.

Malakai took another large swig of his drink, draining his cup. He picked up one of the bottles on the ground, undeterred though.

"That's great. I would like to think I'm the life of a party myself," insert unintentional flirtatious smile.

Malakai didn't seem to have realised but over the course of this little exchange, the space between them had decreased little by little until their bodies were touching. This was a detail that did not go missed by Hao Sheng however and he flashed Malakai a shit-eating grin.

Malakai, with his brain muddled from all the alcohol he consumed, just assumed it was in reply to his comment.

That's how they stayed for a while. Just talking. Over the course of this, Malakai had finished the remainder of his drink and his face was slightly flushed. At this point, he was half leaning against Hao Sheng. He was also starting to slur a few of his words.

Despite how cute Hao Sheng found him to be in this state, he still intervened when Malakai was about to go get another drink.

"I think you've had a bit too much to drink. You should stop for tonight" he said, grabbing Malakai's arm as he made to stand up.

Malakai stuck his tongue out at him. "Dwon twell mwe whaa to doo. Yor noh mah daad", he slurred. But despite what he said, he still sat back down.

Hao Sheng leaned into his ear and whispered. "I may not be your dad but I can be your daddy".

Malakai's eyes comically widened and his breathe hitched. His eyes were covered with a thin haze, most probably from the alcohol. Seeing this, Hao Sheng let go of his previous ideas. He rather prefers to have his prey clear headed and aware when he made his move.

With that in mind, he nudged Malakai with a smirk. "What? I was joking, obviously".

His words were like a bucket of ice water dumped over Malakai's head and he sobered up a bit. Malakai, who almost died from holding his breathe, finally remembered to breathe and he shoved Hao Sheng, hard.

"That was not funny. You scared me for a minute". And he sure was scared. But what scared him was not the comment in itself, but the effect it had on him. For a moment, a very brief moment, he was very into doing whatever it was Hao Sheng was suggesting. Malakai flushed and scratched his head. Maybe he had had too much to drink. He was even starting to think of doing…. to his friend no less!

At that moment Hao Sheng stood up and turned to him, stretching out his hand.

"Come on. Let's go get you some fresh air. You look like you need it".

Malakai pulled a face but put his hand in Hao Sheng's to be helped up. Hao Sheng yanked him up too suddenly and he wound up almost falling over, only to feel arms circle his waist and steady him.

"Oops. Looks like you really had too much to drink. Can't even stand straight," Hao Sheng said with a taunting smirk.

Malakai sent him a glare and pushed him away. That damn Hao Sheng did it on purpose just to tease him.


Hao Sheng came closer again and crowded him.

"Something wrong, princess?" he said, a hint of laughter in voice.

Malakai just scoffed and turned his head away. "I would appreciate it if you would get out of my space".

Hao Sheng laughed. "Okay, I'll stop," he moved away a bit. "Let's go outside for a bit, it's getting a bit too hot in here. I think I saw a door leading out somewhere around here".

He held out his hand for the second time that night and Malakai once more took it. Hao Sheng led him to where ever he was going, weaving seamlessly through the crowd. At that moment, Malakai felt that he would have let him lead him anywhere…

He shook his head at that sudden thought, stunned. Where did that come from? Was the alcohol affecting him more than he thought? Maybe he really needed some fresh air to clear his head because he was starting to get some weird thoughts.

While he was caught up in his thoughts, Hao Sheng finally reached a sliding door that led to what seemed like the backyard.

He opened the door and the cool summer breeze hit them.

Hao Sheng held the sliding open and indicated for Malakai to walk through first. After he passed, Hao Sheng followed behind him and closed the door behind himself.

A little to the side was a pool. Malakai looked over at Hao Sheng and immediately pulled him towards it with a grin.

"You're not trying to throw me in are you?" Hao Sheng asked with a raised brow.

Malakai rolled his eyes. "Relax, I just want us to sit at the edge. Maybe dip our feet in".

"A bit childish no?" Hao Sheng said, taking off his shoes and rolling up his pants.

"If this is childish then so be it," Malakai said with a snort.

They both sat down and just let their feet float around the water in silence. A sudden gust of wind blew past then and Malakai shivered. Hao Sheng wordlessly took of his jacket ad draped it over Malakai's shoulder with a smile. Malakai smiled gratefully and put it on.

They just sat like this. In tranquil silence. Nothing but noise of rippling water and the faint party music in the background.

After a few minutes Hao Sheng suddenly stood up with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I think all this water triggered me or something," Hao Sheng joked.

Malakai didn't even try to hide his grin. "Need me to give you directions?"

Hao Sheng let out a long sigh. "If you would".

Malakai laughed and gave him the directions. Hao Sheng thanked him and promised to be back quickly before he left. He quickly made his way upstairs and followed Malakai's directions until he got to the door. He opened it without looking and immediately turned to turn on the lights.

Just as the lights clicked on, Hao Sheng was surprised to see himself in some sort of closet. It seemed he somehow messed up the directions and opened the wrong door. To make matters worse in front of his, were two girls making out. They both jumped and turned to him. One slightly hidden behind the other.

"Oh sorry! I'll go!" he exclaimed.

Just as he was about to close the door he suddenly stopped. Because he had taken a step back, he finally got a full view of the other girl. The girl was none other than Luxia.