Drunk in love

'See? Here's my opportunity already!'

Hao Sheng answered his phone. "Hello?"

: Hello Hao Sheng. It's Xing Ling. Luxia sent me your number. I just wanted to let you know that Malakai is going wild at this party. He's dead drunk and doesn't seem to have any intention of stopping anytime soon.

HS: Thank you so much, for letting me know. I'll go pick him up. But you ended up going to the party?

XL: Nah. I just had a friend of mine keep an eye on me and she recently contacted me.

HS: Well thank you again. I should get going now.

XL: Sure. I'll send you the address soon. Good Luck.

With that, they hung up.

Hao Sheng got a jacket and picked up his car keys, making his way out of his apartment and down to the garage.

As he got into the car, he heard his phone beep, indicating an incoming notification. It was Xing Ling with the address.

Hao Sheng pulled it up and drove to a different villa from before, still as luxurious though. This time, it wasn't quite so early so there a lot of cars packed quite close to the house. HE was forced to park a bit far if he wanted to be able to leave freely.

Hao Sheng parked and made his way to the front door. He could hear the music from where he was. As he made to enter he noticed a girl sitting in front of the door, looking at her phone.

"Uhm, you mind moving, miss?" Hao Sheng asked politely.

She looked up and gave him a long look.

"You Hao Sheng?" She asked, instead of moving.

Hao Sheng sighed. "Yes, I am. I would really like to stay and chat but I really have to be going somewhere" he said, trying to urge her into taking action and getting out of his way.

"Relax" she said rolling her eyes and getting up. "I'm your escort for tonight. I'll show you to where your loverboy is".

With that she went inside without turning once to see if he was following.

Hao Sheng scrambled to follow after her. They moved past rooms and finally came to what looked like an ex-living turned dance floor. She pointed at the middle of the room, indicating for him to look.

Hao Sheng followed the direction of her finger and found Malakai, but he wasn't in the best shape.

Malakai was on the dance floor dancing, if those flailing body movements could even be called that. In his hand, he had a red solo cup that he drank from often.

He looked extremely unsteady on his feet and every few seconds he would almost trip on his own feet as he attempted to do whatever it was he was trying to do.

"Wild, right?" the girl asked with a weird smirk.

Hao Sheng nod. "Thank you for showing me here".

The girl shrugged "Well, I guess my job in now done. Toodle Loo. Till we meet again." The girl said, disappearing into the crowd. Probably off to do whatever she was doing before being high jacked by Xing Ling.

Hao Sheng turned back to Malakai and just patiently watched him like a predator watching his prey. He needed to wait for the perfect moment to strike and grab him. He didn't want to cause a scene so he had to wait until Malakai moved away from prying eyes of his own violation.

Soon his chance came.

Malakai seemed to have finished whatever drink he had because he shook his cup upside down for a bit before stumbling away in the direction of, what Hao Sheng assumed was the mini bar.

He followed after him, careful not be spotted.

Finally Malakai came stopped in what looked like a kitchen and took a bottle out of the fridge, filling up his cup.

Malakai was so absorbed in this activity that he didn't notice Hao Sheng approach until he directly took the cup from Malakai's hands and poured it down the sink.

Malakai turned around to cuss him out, but paused before he even began when he realised who it was.

"What are you doing here?" Malakai asked, pouting.

"I'm your knight in shining armour and I've come to take you home" Hao Sheng said with a smirk.

"I don't wanna…" Malakai said, but there was no actual fight in his tone. He looked resigned to having to leave.

"Well, you don't really have much of a choice" Hao Sheng said, picking Malakai up, bridal style.

Malakai squeaked and quickly wrapped her arms around Hao Sheng's neck as he started walking.

"What are you doing?!" Malakai asked, flustered.

"Well, I just thought that since I'm your Knight for tonight. I may as well act the part." Hao Sheng winked at Malakai. "So like any good knight, I'm taking away my princess to a faraway land".

Malakai laughed cutely. "You're really stupid".

Suddenly Malakai got sad and started frowning. "You're really fucking stupid, you know that?" he said softly, thumping a uncoordinated fist against Hao Sheng's chest. After a few hit, Malakai's fists unfurled and he just clung to Hao Sheng's shirt, trembling slightly.

"Yeah, I know" Hao Sheng sad softly.

"I really hate you…" Malakai said, sniffling softly. He nuzzled closer to Hao Sheng. "But why do you smell this good?" Malaki groaned.

Hao Sheng laughed as he finally left the house and made it outside.

"You're just saying that because you're drunk".

"Hmm… maybe but it's still true…" Malakai mumbled.

Hao Sheng finally got to his car and unlocked it, putting Malakai down and opening the door for Malakai.

"Wahh-! You have a car?!" Malakai asked, finally realising his surroundings.

Hao Sheng smiled. "Yeah, it just recently arrived. You like it?"

Malakai looked at it excitedly. "I more than like it! I… I love it!"

Malakai finally gets in the car and Hao Sheng closes his door and went around to get inside himself.

Hao Sheng started the car and drove off.

Malakai turned to him.

"Where are we going? A field trip?" Malakai asked.

Hao Sheng smiled but shook his head. "I'm taking you home."

"Home?" Malakai tilted his head, looking confused. "To my house?"

"Yes. I'm bringing you back" Hao Sheng said absentmindedly.

Suddenly Malakai tried to make a grab for the steering wheel. "NO!"

Hao Sheng stopped him in time, shocked. They were really lucky the road was empty or else there really would have been a serious accident.

"Are you crazy? What was that?!" Hao Sheng asked, incredulous.

Malakai just folded his arms and pouted. "I'm not going home!"

Hao Sheng rolled his eyes. "Well, if you're not going home, then where are you going to sleep tonight? My place?" Hao Sheng asked sarcastically, not expecting a certain drunk idiot to take him seriously.

"Yes! I'll go with you!" Malakai exclaimed, eyes shining.

"What? You can't do that! They may worry at home, if you don't tell them where you're going" Hao Sheng tried to reason.

"No. I'm going with you and that's final". Malakai turned his head, refusing to communicate.

Finally Hao Sheng gave up and just decided to just call someone a bit later where Malakai was. What mattered now was that he got some rest. With that he switched routes to go back to his apartment.

Hao Sheng sighed. "Fine".

"Yay!" Malakai grinned.

"As a reward, I'll tell you a very special secret." Malakai said mysteriously.

Hao Sheng smiled. "A secret huh?"

"Yeah!" Malakai jumped in his seat. "Wanna hear?"

Hao Sheng nodded. "Sure, why not?"

Malakai grinned. "Did you know you were a wizard?"

Hao Sheng's lips quirked up in an amused smile. "Oh yeah? How so?"

"Well with a snap of your fingers, like magic, you can make my heart race and make me feel like I'm floating on clouds" Malakai quietened down now. "But with that same snap, you can bring be back down to earth, just as fast, and shatter my heart…"

Hao Sheng paused. He didn't think this was what Malakai was going to say…

That was basically a confession on its own. He just admitted that he had the power to control his emotions in his hands. Although the idea was exhilarating, Hao Sheng still realised he had to be careful with this power he was given, lest he ruin the poor boy.

"I'm sorry" Hao Sheng said softly.

When there was no answer, Hao Sheng turned to see Malakai dozing off.

Wow. What great timing.

Nevertheless Hao Sheng intertwined their hands and kissed the back of Malakai's hand. "The worst is already over".

Hao Sheng drove them to his apartment and parked his car. As he got out of the car, Malakai startled awake.

"Are we here?" he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

Hao Sheng smiled. "We are. Come on, you go sleep upstairs".

Malakai nod and silently followed Hao Sheng as he led the way to his apartment. They took the elevator up and Hao Sheng unlocked the door, leading Malakai in.

Malakai just stood in the middle of the room, not even looking around, looking seconds away from falling asleep on his feet.

Hao Sheng handed him a cup of water to help wake him up a bit but it didn't seem to do much.

Hao Sheng quickly went to his bedroom and got a pair of clean clothes for Malakai.

He took the glass away from him and handed him the clothes.

"There is a bedroom down there, I need you to go and change into these clothes" Hao Sheng said slowly.

"Can you do that for me?" he asked softly.

Malakai looked at him for a while before finally slowly nodding and head off in the direction of the bedroom.

While Malakai changed, Hao Sheng made a phone call to Malakai's father, letting him know about the current situation. He assured him that he would return his the next day and things were all resolved.

After finishing with the phone call, Hao Sheng made his way to the guest bedroom to check on Malakai, only to find he was not in there. He checked next door, his bedroom, and found him laying there on his bed. In his clothes.

Hao Sheng took a calming breath and came in as well, taking off his jacket.

Well, since he picked his bed, who was he to tell him not lay in it? Hao Sheng smiled shamelessly.

He got switched off the lights and got into bed, pulling Malaki closer to him with a smile. He was finally going to have his man.

As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but send one last message.

'See baby, I told you Malakai wouldn't ignore me forever. I just had to bide my time'.