Chapter 10: Silent Devourer

After collecting the equipment and tallying their loot, they ended with 13 pieces of common equipment, 5 uncommon, and one rare.

The rare, which was the necklace, went to Hegen without any argument from the others.

[Item: Wanderer's Necklace

Grade: Rare

Attributes: +10% Agility, +5% Vitality

Passive Effect 1: +5% Attack Speed

Active Effect 1: Quickened Steps

Effect: Increase speed by 150% for 30 seconds

Cost: 25 Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Description: The necklace of a true wanderer.]

After getting his piece of equipment, Hegen let the others take the rest of the equipment as he didn't have much use for it. They gratefully accepted it without much of a fuss, quickly sorting through for the best ones in their style.

Each member of Dynasty upgraded at least 2 pieces of equipment before readying together again. Although Ouroboros had been defeated, the Silent Devourer still remained. Luckily, their fight had taken place outside of its aggro range so they didn't have to worry about its attacks, but now they would have to fight it head on.

Without much of a conversation beforehand, they slowly walked towards the Silent Devourer before taking a side each. They made sure to spread out in order to not get wiped out in a single go.

As soon as Maniac, who was walking slightly further ahead than the others entered the boss' detection, the Silent Devourer roared before launching itself into the air and slamming down to where Maniac was standing. Reacting quickly, Maniac rolled to the side, narrowly dodging the attack.

As the Devourer landed, Style let loose multiple arrows at the Devourer's head, with a few hitting one of the eyes. Now there was only a single eye remaining for the Devourer. After this attack, a health bar appeared for the Silent Devourer as well.

[Silent Devourer (Rare Boss): Lvl 10

HP: 4,800/5,000]

The Devourer became noticeably frustrated having its vision shot out and frantically charged towards Style's location. Style quickly dashed away, not forgetting to shoot a few shots as he ran.

Hegen approached the Devourer barehanded as it chased Style and he used Nine Trigram Fists to stagger the steps of the Devourer. This helped to shift its attention from Style to Hegen, who was much more comfortable under heavy fire. Hegen quickly pulled out his sword, using his newly created skill to gracefully and quickly slice through the Devourer's limbs, creating small blade wounds all across its body.

Not to be outdone, Maniac came crashing over, swinging a huge sword over his head which sent the Devourer flying as it made contact. As it flew, Demon appeared underneath it and quickly sliced over his head, creating a long gash down its body.

After it landed, it took a second to get up. During this second, Style took this time to shoot out its remaining eye, causing it to howl in pain. Hegen came charging forward during this time, sparing no sympathy for his fallen foe. He utilized his sword once more, gracefully slicing toward the Devourer before he quickly changed his sword to block an attack.

He was sent flying as he was ill-prepared for this sudden attack, which had come from the Devourer. It had a red glow from its eyes and a crazed look on its face.

[Silent Devourer (Rare Boss): Lvl 10

HP: 834/5,000]

Noticing the Devourer's behavior, Demon quickly informed the party of the sudden change.

"The boss' health is low and it's going berserk. It'll continue to get stronger as it gets weaker so be careful."

Not sitting idle as they talked, they quickly surrounded the Devourer once more as Style stayed slightly further back and continued to pelt it with arrows. It made an attempt to charge for him but Maniac intercepted it. Unfortunately for him, however, he underestimated the boss' newfound strength and was quickly thrown to the side by a single swipe of the boss' arm.

The boss then ignored the defeated Maniac and continued to chase Style, quickly closing the distance. Right as the Devourer was about to slam its fist onto Style, Hegen cast Consecutive Lightning Strikes and caused it to stop its attack in surprise and pain. This attack caused it to shift its attention back to Hegen, who had put away his sword again.

Hegen ran up to the boss right as it was preparing to slam its fist down onto him. He used the new ability on the necklace he had earned from Harrowing Owl, Quickened Steps, to maneuver past the Devourer and used Oceanic Strength to send a slice directly towards the neck of the Devourer. The Devourer, who was still in the middle of recovering from missing its attack, could put up little resistance against the slice.

In the end, the Devourer's health slowly trickled away as it faded into pixels. A small stream of light seeped out of the entire group as multiple items were laying where they once stood, one even shining with the unmistakable iridescence of a Unique item!