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chapter 10

Then pride stops his swords pointing towards him in the air and rests his icy sword on his shoulder and says, what has happened now, what is the use of you being so seven feet Oh pride, you listen to me, then I Just wanted to see how strong you are and whether you are in Tandav clanworthy to join or not you also know that the strength of our tandav clan is more than a single man like you, you kneel down in front of us and you join our clan, proud listening to his words says it's true There is a lot of power in the Tandav clan and I have to face you all aloneIt is difficult, but what is the point of kneeling, right now after killing your people, my knees have become stiff, so you forget about kneeling, listening to this, Kalicharan's anger reaches to the seventh heaven and his He lifts the sword in the air with full power, in the sky as soon as he does soThe lightning which was going to shine comes in the sword of that Kalicharan and he throws his lightning towards the pride. And thinks that there is really something in this boy, if you keep fighting with this like thisEven after three to four days, no result will come out, I will have to discuss this boy with the senior people of my community, only he can calculate it correctly, thinking so much he starts leaving from there and turns back and says proudly, proud child, this is now It is not over, we will come again and kill you till thenBecome as strong as you can, but no one can save you from us, as soon as he says this, he goes away with the rest of his Tandav clan's companions and as soon as he looks at Akshay and his companions, when he proudly Thereafter the proud wild creatures had disappeared from their place in the forest for huntingand starts checking the items kept in his storage ring, only then he comes to know that he has pairs of ears of twenty five animals to pass the examination, he collects the ears of more animals and goes to Bharatpur. At first he did not want to attract the attention of the military officersHe had become his enemy after encountering the killers of the Tandav clan, and he did not know how many people of the Tandav clan work in the army of Bharatpur. In the end, who had killed him, whether his family had a hand in itWhatever happens, he will have to find out the truth and for that he will have to make him more powerful first and after thinking so much, he sees a cave, there is still two and a half days time for the exam to end and he Decides to increase his meditation power in days and goes to that caveHe detects the presence of someone in that cave with his magical power, but there is no one there, he meditates in the cave by closing the cave door with a big stone and laying a thick sheet of ice on it with his icy sword. To do this, he sits in the position of Padmasana, he meditates continuously for two and a half dayskeeps doing this and he finds that his strength has increased manifold again and now he can defeat any warrior of the last stage of the atmosphere and he sets out to go back to the examination center because of this stage The duration of the exam was of four days and it was almost coming to an endGoes back to the examination center, he sees that three hundred students had gone to the forest for the third phase, but there were only close to dead hundred students, these remaining dead hundred students died fighting with wild animals in the forest. That's why there is an atmosphere of sorrow over there, only then the students from the stage of the examination centerToday we have suffered a great loss by losing one and a half hundred students, but this world is more dangerous than this, if we do not face these difficulties, then the existence of the entire human race will end from this world. We don't need to be sad if we keep on hurting all the timeSo after all, who will protect this state and how will you guys be able to take the responsibility of the security of this state in your own hands, hearing this, the atmosphere of sorrow among the students starts decreasing and they focus their attention towards the stage. Seeing this happening, the officer of Bharatpur military takes forward his pointFirst of all, I congratulate all the students for successfully completing all the three phases of the examination and declare that the students who successfully complete all the three phases are selected for military training camp. and in the fourth phase, one of all these studentsThere is going to be a competition from another, which student will be sent to which branch of the military, it will be decided and one thing then he takes a long breath and says to see these matches, the king of his kingdom Veer Pratap Singh himself. He will be present on this ground and will be present in this competitionIt will be strictly forbidden to take the life of an opponent, if someone does this, he will be killed immediately by the soldiers of the state, in this competition you can force your opponent to surrender but you cannot kill your opponent, this competition will be tomorrow. That's why it will start in this ground from 6 in the morningTonight, all of you go to your ashram, take rest and come to this ground tomorrow morning and participate in the competition with all your might and say Maharaj Ashwad ki Jai, only then the slogan of Maharaj Ashwad ki Jai Maharaj Ashwad ki Jai echoed in the Purna Maidan. The students started going to their respective ashrams with their respective gurusThe other students of his ashram go to Guru Manohar Pandit ji standing on the same ground with Akshay, more than half of all these students are from the Tandav clan and they look at the pride with anger by raising their eyes. He gets to laugh but he suppresses his laughter in his own mouth Manohar PanditLooking at all those students, it is said that before today so many students from our ashram have never been selected for military training camp, even though today we have lost some of our students but still from our ashram never before today. So many students have not been selected and anyway Raja Veer of our statePratap Singh himself is going to come to see the competition to be held tomorrow, that's why tonight I will give you a feast by myself, tonight you all rest and increase your strength and show your full potential in tomorrow's competition. At night there was a feast for all the students of the ashramHe also took part in this feast, he also ate a lot and had a lot of fun, he did not worry about anything, at this time the people of Tandav clan did not dare to talk with pride, they lived with pride by keeping a little distance. He was proud of the fact that he was well aware of the fear of those tandav clansHe has sat in the hearts of the students, those who did not get tired of calling him Tultul Tultul, the same people are afraid in front of him, they did not dare to talk to him, even those people are avoiding going around proud. He understood that he might have given a good lesson to the killers and students of the Tandav clan in the jungleTaught but his enmity with the people of these Tandav clan is going to last long and he will have to become more powerful as soon as possible to face those dangers