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Seeing this, all three of them are also shocked and are also scared. Soon after going to the door of the proud storage ring, he starts seeing the outside view. There was a war, because of the spiders moving here and there, those stories were also here and thereAlong with Kalicharan was also present there, all those killers were going to kill all those spiders together and spiders were also killing those killers, inside that cave lay the dead bodies of killers and spiders. Kalicharan was moving his sword all over the cave because of that thereThe lightning was going on and the spiders' bodies were flying to pieces due to the blow of his sword. Proud and seeing the opportunity, proud and Mandar Kedar come out of the storage ring and wearing the proud storage ring in the hole of the roof of this cave. The mandar Kedar also follows him out of the hole of that caveSeeing them going out, all the killers look at them and they start chasing them, at this time Kalicharan's face starts with a big spider, she was probably the queen of the swarm of these spiders, her length is more than five meters. And his feet were more than nine meters long, the nails of his feet were like a swordIt is like that because of his nails, cracks were also arising in the stone, if Kalicharan had diverted his attention from this spider and turned his attention to pride, then he could have lost his life, so except Kalicharan, all the other killers follow pride. But pride has no problem in facing them and that is themThey come out of that cave by putting them to death as soon as possible, even outside the view is not different, after coming out they find that they are on a four kilometer high mountain, here all the trees are about a hundred meters high. And here there is a war going on between the spiders and the killers, this opportunitySeeing that he also kills many killers of Tandav clan and seeing the opportunity, he runs towards the dense forests, those people go to another mountain and see this sight from afar, due to the war of those people, the whole mountains are destroyed in the night. The atmosphere of peace turns into unrest, screams of man and spiders spread everywhereSoon Kalicharan also comes out of the cave and attacks the spiders outside the cave, he comes out of the cave after killing all the spiders inside the cave, his whole body is covered with blue blood of spiders, his sword Three to four spiders were being killed with every single blow of the house as soon as it came outThe scene of the whole battle changed suddenly, within just a few hours all the spiders are eliminated and there is only one shout of Kalicharan's name everywhere, the whole gap between all the forests and mountains is the name of his name. Jai starts cheering, at first there are hundreds of killers but soonThousands of killers gather there from inside the cave and they all start chanting the name of Kalicharan. I had said no, wherever you go, you do not escape from uswe have fixed your ticket to heaven what do you think you will win by eliminating some of our comrades you are a fool you can never escape us if you surrender yours in front of us you will get easy death if not If you do, you will be tortured and killed at the crossroads for yearsSeeing this, his voice reverberates in the middle of all the mountains, Mandar Kedar starts sweating, he is about to slam his hand on the tree with anger that pride quickly catches them both and turns them back so that Without touching his hand on the tree, he wanders in the air, proudly looking at him and sayingHave you gone mad, are you going to make the same mistake again, because of this mistake, we have come so far inside the mountains, earlier we had some possibilities to go out of these mountains, but now our way is very It has become difficult, so what should we do now, do we keep waiting for our death by doing like this slowlyIt seems that evil is more powerful in this world, goodness always remains on its knees Mandar is very disappointed and proudly says that all the circumstances were very well understood by pride. Couldn't keep running from these people all the time. Soon the sun over the horizonLight starts rising in the sky, all the killers of the orgy clan get ready to search for pride and his companions, hundreds of hawks start flying in the sky, all the killers start sharpening their weapons. Only then are the killers present at the bottom of the mountainThere is a ruckus in the group of all the killers, the cries of all the killers echo in the mountains and it was none other than the proud and humble Kedar, who instead of running away and hiding, had directly attacked those killers. Thousands of people fall on them all from the top of the whole mountainThe killers run towards them and all the killers present on the eagle birds in the sky rain arrows on them at once, upon seeing that all three of them immediately join the group of those killers and through a shield their whole body. They cover the body, because of this, there is no effect on all three of them with those arrowsBut because of those arrows, many killers of the Tandav clan are definitely killed, but still those killers do not stop for a second, but they attack all three of them with anger. And proud were the warriors of the sky circle and great in strength and speed of all three of themThere was a big difference, even if they were more in number, but all three of them could easily face them for some time, all three were also beheading five six killers in one stroke, whoever comes in front of them will die. K's ghats were going down and when arrows were coming towards him from the sky, he came from a big shieldThey cover their whole body so that they were not doing any harm, but the killers were present in their side, while those arrows were getting death, seeing so many of their killer companions dying, those killers hesitated even a little. No and were moving towards attacking those threeIn a short time, Kalicharan also comes to know about this and he goes to a place in the sky with his bird and becomes stable and laughs out loud and says, oh wow today, the hunter himself should go to the hunters to get their prey done. They have come to kill them, saying so that they can not go away, they put their sword in the sky itselfIt starts rotating, sparks of electricity are generated from his entire sword, while fighting with these killers, the number of killers around all three of them increases suddenly, that killer does not care about the body of his dead comrades. And don't walk over them and kill those three peopleSeeing the increasing number of killers from all sides, it was becoming difficult for them to fight. If there are only boys, then their armor will be broken soon after many attacks on their armorAnd their lives will be in trouble, seeing themselves surrounded, they soon climb trees, these trees on the mountains are of a height of hundred meters, they have big branches and they are all going up and meeting each other. Because of this, all three of them get a lot of places to run away after seeing thisKalicharan wakes up in the sky, he is about to attack these three, only then he climbs all the three tall trees. Many thousands of killers will be killed by being buried under the trees, they will come to the sky in a rageIt is thundering from itself, by telling the bastards not to be alive from here today, he generates a strong lightning in the sky, seeing Kalicharan, all the killers get excited and all the killers present on the mountains of the present day immediately From there, he would start climbing all the treesAnd at the same time, the killers sitting on the eaves also do not fly their birds in the sky and start flying them on the side of the trees and they aim at all these three with their arrows, so many killers attack together. Since then, the situation was becoming difficult for these three, only then by pointing pride to themThrough the interconnected branches of the trees, Mandar asks Kedar to move upwards towards the mountains and Mandar Kedar does the same, he jumps from the branches of the trees and starts moving towards the height of the mountains, he is the killer of all the atmosphere. Due to this, he does not have much speed to run on the branches of treesThat's why those killers are far behind these three, the worry is that killers are present on many birds on the sides of the trees and they were constantly taking their aim towards those three people with arrows.