
But as she continued to practice, she started to get a grip of the weapon and was later able to make some nice shots. She was finally able to make some nice shots, she shot through some objects, smiling a little as she also shot some bullets into some trees.

This powerful instrument of destruction, the power it has and the respect it commanded fascinated her so much, Xzavier knew the gun would have this effect and that was why he gifted her the gun. He wanted to help her in boosting her self-esteem and a gun was his only option for doing it, being the special forces soldiers that he was.

"Okay Tacy, listen and listen well. There must not be mistake here or you are dead." Xzavier said confidently.

Xzavier handed Tacy his pistol slowly and carefully, after the pistol is in her hand, Xzavier let go of the pistol calmly.

"Take a closer look at me and do exactly as I do." Xzavier instructed flatly.

Then he continued…