
The ever perceptive Adalia saw that the old man had begun to stare at Xzavier inquisitively, she immediately moved to make the necessary introductions.

"Forgive my lack of manners…" she apologized to both men.

"Xzavier, this is Sir Laddie, the senior mage here and a world class, renowned mage. He was recruited specially by the governor to tutor his son and daughter in the ways of the craft."

She then turned to the old mage and did likewise;

"Sir Laddie, the young man standing before you is Mister Xzavier. He is the hero who is solely responsible for elimination of the orc's leader. He also single handedly dispersed the colony of orcs that were subject to the chief orc."

Laddie was a man who had seen a lot in his lifetime. He had seen thieves, he had seen power hungry men, he had seen powerful mages of different proportions, and also, he had seen his fair share of fraudsters, liars and deceitful men who breathed lies just as easily as they breathed air.