The Biggest Issue

Not a word of his warning was being retained by the children of the governor. Though his voice was audible to the two siblings, they weren't listening at all. In fact, they were miles away from their bodies, busy day dreaming and replaying Xzavier's miraculous performance in their heads.

So, like a bunch of automatons, or a bunch of ventriloquist dolls, they both nodded absentmindedly in response to his warnings. It was the best way to get him off their backs and stop him from clobbering them with his ominous admonitions and apocalyptic warnings.

Laddie was no fool, he saw and recognized the faraway looks in their eyes and knew that his words were actively falling on deaf ears. It wasn't their fault really. Even he himself already found himself getting endeared to the strange man. It had happened so suddenly. Like the proverbial dragon that had fought against gravity and stealthily made its way to the moon, Xzavier had gradually made a place for himself in the old man's heart.