
Quaid watched with a smile of amusement as his son dashed out in blind haste. Sometimes, even he couldn't believe just how intelligent his own son was. And he was still so young. Quaid chuckled to himself as he bent down to work once again. The bottomless pit of the seemingly unending administrative duties swallowed Quaid again, and soon he forgot about the carefree nature of youth.

Cadence was on a mission and no one could stop him now. He casually breezed into the servants' quarters looking for any bit of information regarding the stranger's location. After about two whole hours of interrogating multiple servants, Cadence was still deficient of the one piece of prime information that was needed for the next phase of his plan.

However, he soon struck gold with one of maids. The short scrawny girl with rather large eyes told him what he needed to hear.